From the Principal

Over the last fortnight, we held some significant events on our School Calendar.
A favourite event of mine is the annual Meliora Sequamur Awards ceremony. It had its element of celebrating Achievement; but also celebrated students who embody our other values: Curiosity, Humanity and Fairness. It was a great evening, with impressive nominations from our staff and students. We extend a big thank-you to Josha and Yaz, the students who graciously hosted the awards, and to Peta Sirec, Allira Scott and Audra Keane for their efforts in organising the event in our PAC Theatre. I look forward to the next year’s event as students reflect on the self-improvement that they can make in following the better path.
Our Year 12 students have now transitioned offsite as they prepare for their final exams and they will begin their exam period this week. In the run up to the final celebration day, students embraced a number of dress-up traditions, including the always entertaining 'dress like a teacher' day, with some excellent look-a-likes out in force this year. I wish to commend our Year 12 cohort for the thoughtfulness and maturity with which they said goodbye to the school, their teachers and peers.
As the year 12s begin their exam period this week, we wish them all the best for their success and look forward to celebrating their achievements and pathways ahead in December.
Last week, our Year 10 students took part in the Real Industry Job Interviews (RIJI) held offsite. This invaluable experience allowed them to prepare for real interviews, including dressing appropriately, and gain constructive feedback. It's heartening to know that they found the experience enriching, and we extend our appreciation to the Middle School for their organisation of this event.
Please take the opportunity to read about our proposed changes to the structure of the week for next year in this issue of the newsletter. We have been looking at ways to improve our program that we offer students and welcome any feedback on the proposal.
We are currently looking for another person to join us on School Council. One of our councillors has been unable to continue in the role this year which means that we have a Community position available. If you are interested, please contact the school via our email address and we can discuss what the commitment entails.
A friendly reminder that the upcoming Melbourne Cup weekend will provide our families with an extended four-day weekend, as Monday 6 November will be a student-free day. We look forward to seeing our students return well-rested on the Wednesday following the Melbourne Cup holiday.
As always, I look forward to seeing you at any of our end of year celebrations or events.
Chris Jones