From the Assistant Principal 

Miss Kim Bailey


Last Friday was our inaugural Founders Day. Year 9 SRC members and a group of other students in Year 9 helped organise and run activities for all students K - 10 throughout the day. They did an excellent job, and everyone thoroughly enjoyed the games in the afternoon.

Trinity Infinities

The Trinity Infinities - a band comprising students from Years 7 to 10 - had a busy day on Friday. On Friday morning they performed as the backing band for Uncle Alex Munro, Aboriginal Elder and the band's mentor as he performed his original song "Dust in the Wind" -about the Myall Creek massacre - for a group of visiting dignitaries investigating a potential excursion to Myall Creek for next year's State Conference of Aboriginal Education in Catholic Dioceses in NSW. 


Two hours later the students were providing music for the blessing of the Founders statues at Holy Trinity School, and then later that night they were competing in Inverell's Got Talent, performing an original song "Lethal" - written by Eliza Thompson-and competing against their mentor Alex Munro.


Uncle Alex won for best original song "Dust in the Wind", which the Trinity Infinities played with him that morning, so while they didn't win they really were happy for their mentor's success. The students - Cas Marshall, Mollie McCudden, Maggie Hawkins, Mady Higgins and Sarah Duffy-Bauer - are to be congratulated on their musical talent, their stamina and their willingness to make the most of all opportunities.

U/16's RL

Congratulations to the U'16's Rugby League who were excellent ambassadors for the school  last week at the Jamie Lyon Killa 9's competition.

Year 10 Field Trip to Lake Inverell

Last week, Mrs East and 10K Geography walked to Lake Inverell to carry out fieldwork related to their studies in their unit of work on Environmental Change and Management. Thanks to Mr Andrew Walsh from LLS who helped them to investigate the water quality and health of the river system at Lake Inverell.

Year 6 to 7 Transition

Last Thursday, Year 6 visited Secondary as part of the transition process. They had a Technology class and made keyrings a Visual Arts class where they made ghosts out of clay and also visited the Ag Plot.

Semester Exams

Students are reminded that semester exams will be held in Week 5 for all students. In order for students to achieve their best possible results, it is necessary to prepare adequately for these important assessments. Students are encouraged to revise thoroughly in the coming weeks and to seek assistance from their teachers if required. It is essential that students catch up on missed work if they have been absent from school. 



Students are reminded to wear the correct uniform, including appropriate and safe footwear. It is an expectation that hair is moderately styled with natural tones and tied back if long. If a student is not able to wear the correct uniform, please provide written information to the roll teacher indicating when the situation can be remedied. Hats and sunscreen are also required for all outdoor activities. Summer has arrived, and it is essential that all students have a school hat or cap.

Sun Safe

The weather has been heating up rapidly, and students are reminded that they should have a hat for all outside activities. Sunscreen is also available for Sport, PDHPE and other outside lessons, however, the best protection is provided with the combined use of a hat and sunscreen. School caps are available from the Uniform Shop. Please ensure that your child has the correct school uniform cap or hat. 


 For many students, a block of examinations can be daunting. Some students have no idea where to start and what they should work on. The first thing to do if you have examinations approaching in the next few months is to find out what topics will be tested. Even a simple question to teachers can get you started such as ‘Are we being tested on the whole year’s work or just this semester?’. Once you know what topics will be covered, organize all of your learning materials and make sure nothing is missing, and you have everything you need to review those topics. The next step is to make study notes on these topics if you haven’t been doing this throughout the year (hopefully you have!). 


Next, it is time to start learning the notes (testing yourself on them over and over) and doing practice questions to make sure you can apply your knowledge to different types of questions.  


If you have a number of weeks prior to the examinations, it is a good idea to make a plan in your diary or phone or on a whiteboard of what subjects you will study and when. Try and allocate each subject once or twice each week, depending on the number of examinations you have. 


 Studying effectively for tests and exams is a SKILL that can be developed and make a significant difference in your academic success. Here's a checklist to help students identify and improve their study habits:


Make Notes Regularly: Instead of cramming all your studying into the last-minute rush, make it a habit to make study notes regularly. This will help you understand the material better as you go along, making studying for tests less overwhelming.

Plan Ahead: Don't wait until the last moment to finish your study notes. Start early, ideally weeks before the exam, so you have ample time to review and understand the material thoroughly. Avoid last-minute stress by planning ahead.

Create Organised Study Notes: Create structured and easily digestible study notes. Use headings, bullet points, and diagrams to make your notes visually appealing and comprehensible. This will make it easier to review and memorise key information.

Use Active Learning: Don't just passively read your notes. Test yourself on the material to gauge your understanding. Use flashcards, quizzes, or teaching the topic to someone else. Active learning reinforces your memory and comprehension.

Use Diverse Study Techniques: Don't rely on a single study technique. Experiment with various methods like mind maps, mnemonic devices, or group study sessions. Explore what works best for you and adapt your study routine accordingly.

Simulate Exam Conditions: To prepare for the pressure of exam day, practice under realistic conditions. Set a timer at home when doing questions, avoid looking at your notes, and simulate the exam environment as closely as possible. This helps build your confidence and adapt to time constraints.

Use Varied Sources: Don't limit your study materials to just one source. Diversify your resources by using textbooks, online materials, practice exams, and teacher-provided resources. This broadens your understanding and exposes you to different perspectives.


By incorporating these study habits into your routine, you can significantly enhance your preparation for tests and exams. Remember that consistency and early planning are key to success in high school and beyond. 

Google Classroom Guardian Summaries

Remember to accept the invitation to sign up for Google Classroom Guardian Summaries. Please contact Miss Bailey if you have any questions or problems.

7 - 10 Staff Email Addresses

Miss Kim Bailey

Miss Claudia Cush

Mrs Angela East

Mr Peter Ehsman

Mr Anthony Gaias

Miss Alana Goldman

Mrs Mary-Jane Guest

Mrs Lee Grady

Mrs Malynda Hiscock

Mr David Koch

Mrs Stephanie Marshall

Mrs Veronica McCormick

Mrs Christine McLachlan

Mr Matthew Pye

Mrs Jane Taylor

Mrs Katherine Townsend

Mr Blake Uebergang

Mrs Carrie Watchirs