from the Assistant Principal  

Mr Shayne Smith

Weekly Overview

HTS always has exciting events going on. 


During Snack breaks last week our 3-6 Touch Football trials were held on the back oval supported by our teachers to facilitate these. The display and interaction between the students were to be highly commended and we look forward to the Gala Day coming up with students that are selected. Good luck all!


We were delighted to welcome our Kindergarten students for 2024 to HTS. Their excitement and eagerness could be seen from ear to ear as they participated in a variety of activities. Similarly, our Year 6 Students entered into the world of Secondary and enjoyed the experiences that were shown to them.  They look to the future with optimism. 


The entire school celebrated Founders Day with reverence and active participation in a range of learning activities and games. It was a great way to connect primary and secondary students alike. It was a proud moment looking at the entire school at how impactful this celebration was. 


Our weekly focus is:

Being accountable and respectful 


Building Independent Students at HTS

Witnessing students developing skills and desiring to think for themselves is encouraging. In many ways, it shows maturity and a level of readiness to progress forward in their learning.  A range of students at HTS is demonstrating abilities to view and understand their learning timetables, have their books and equipment ready and organised, be ready and eager to start their learning, and challenge themselves when appropriate tasks are placed in front of them.  A great highlight at the moment is using their initiatives across the school and within their classrooms. 


Let's help our students to continue to be intrinsically motivated and continue to build on these skills. 


Some suggestions that have been stated by our senior students to help build  independence are:

  • organising their own lunch or snack
  • helping do the dishes and have their school uniform ready for the next day
  • keep a record of what is happening 
  • think about different situations where there could be changes (be the reason for positive change) and help where needed
  • Complete tasks independently to try and stretch one's own knowledge and understanding (trying not to rely on others for guidance). 
  • Set manageable/SMART goals  


Congratulations to our weekly award winners!

KDVan McDonald, Tanna Pizzardi, Mia David, Aston Relf, Isabel Li
KSLacey Young, Remy Norman, Zahlia Ticehurst
1MEvie Potter, Alexis O'Connor, Bryson Amery, Felix Lee
1SCaleb Hoskins, Archie Bloch, Elsie McCosker, Baxter O'Brien
2GClaude Hall, Zahli Wemyss-Colley, Philippa Shephard 
2MMillie Dunlop, Porsche Lloyd, Beau Johns, Maddie Lute
3GEvie Selig, Hunter Will
3WDash McMahon, Bailey Brand, Tyler Van Duuren
4DLiam Guest, Ebony Hiscock
4PWez Burton, Aleirah Goodwin, Darcy Emery
5BKobe Holder, Sophie Clark
5DLEva Jinesh, Digby Roger, Hugh Hamilton
5WFAsha Randall, Savannah Bradbury, Cruz Taylor, George Xavier, Pippa Butcher
6SSid Ramesh, Ryan Hill, Pippa Lynch
6TKier Afable, Josefa Savou, Bohan Randall, Nate Reynolds