Mrs Jillian Rainger

A big thank you!

To our staff and students for our wonderful day on Friday for the blessing of our statues and our first Founders Day. Special thanks to Mrs Guest, our Youth Minister Bridie and our Year 9 SRC for their leadership. Please take the time to look at the photos in the Celebrating our Faith and Secondary pages of this newsletter. Our invited guests complimented our student's behaviour during the liturgy. They really were outstanding. 


I was also moved by the performance by our Trinity Infinity Band and Uncle Alex on Friday morning to a group of visitors who were in Inverell to plan the NSW Catholic Schools Aboriginal Conference for 2024.  The students were brilliant - thanks to Mrs Marshall for facilitating this work.


... to our 16 years boys 9 a side rugby league team for being great sportsmen last Thursday

Planning for 2024

This is underway! Over the next weeks, we are finalising our staffing and class groups for 2024. Could I ask families who may not be returning in 2024 to let me know by emailing me at to help with our planning?  We have advertised for primary and secondary teachers. Please share with anyone who you know who might be interested in joining our team. We will have support staff positions advertised in the coming weeks.


Many of you would have seen the named pavers of students and families throughout the front lawn. In celebration of our 60 years, we are running this fundraiser again. An order form was sent home yesterday with all students and is due back with payment on Friday 10 November.


Financial assistance is provided to parents of secondary school pupils attending an Armidale Diocesan Systemic Catholic school by the Catholic Schools Office.

The grants are allocated on a needs basis, measured by the parent’s/guardian’s family income.

Student Eligibility:

Applicants for the year 2024 bursaries should be enrolling in Year 7 in 2024. The assistance continues until the student completes Year 10 or leaves the school. Applications may be submitted for students commencing in years other than Year 7, but priority is given to those applying for Year 7.

Making Application:

Application forms for pupils are currently available through the Front Office. Applications close for Round 1 on 3rd November, 2023. Applications will be accepted after this date if there are unallocated bursaries. Applications may be submitted to the school or directly with the Catholic Schools Office.