Argus-Xenica Community Report

Welcome to The Argus/Xenica Community Newsletter, we have finally reached the end of the term. Us teachers look back and reflect on all the growth of knowledge and personality these wonderful children have undergone. We have truly enjoyed teaching you and hope that our students have relished having us as teachers. Each and every single student in our cohort has been an absolute pleasure to nurture and educate and we hope that they have appreciated their introduction to Aitken Hill Primary School. 

Reading 📚

In Reading we are currently focusing on persuasive letters. We have previously concluded the segment of informal letters in which students focused on the logical application of informal texts. In Persuasive letters, we are currently reading and analysing other persuasive letters and providing persuasive techniques. Students have also started to create their own examples of persuasive texts and are confidently able to break apart persuasive letters by key components and techniques. This entails the purpose of the letter, the author, and critiquing/analysing the piece. We will continue doing CVC and CVCC words until the end of the year, this element will gravely assist students in further studies. 

Writing ✏️

We are presently working on persuasive letters in correlation with reading. We have concluded our segment of informational reports and have observed extraordinary success of students. Children are prompted to take their understanding on persuasive letters from reading and condense it into their own attempt. We have seen many great letters by various students. We will continue this segment until the end of the year. We are still doing CVC and CVCC words to prepare students for grade 1. 

Maths ➕✖️➗➖

We are continuing working on money. Students are consolidating on different Australian coins and their value. To support our student’s understanding about this topic, we are providing our students an opportunity to use money in different set ups like supermarkets, cafes, and toy shops. We are encouraging our students to learn about the use of money in our day-to-day life and how they can make any amount of money with coins and notes. Students are encouraged to participate in a pretend play in which they use fake money to buy different items each week. We will continue this topic until the end of the year. We have also commenced teaching student about capacity. Students are encouraged to estimate the capacity of certain containers in comparison to others. The different shapes and sizes of these containers challenge the student’s thinking and increases their understanding on approximate capacity. We will continue this topic until the end of the year. 


We wish our students the best of luck for their future academic voyages and hope that this year has provided them with the tools and materials they require to build more knowledge in their capable heads.