Principals' Report
Parliamentary Secretary Visit
A few weeks ago, Darren Cheeseman, Parliamentary Secretary for Education visited our school to meet some of our students and see the beginnings of our new building.
When Darren arrived, he was welcomed by our School Captains, Aiza, Anushka, Atharva and Salam. Our captains walked around the school at lunchtime with Darren and showed him our school.
We visited the Achilles Community before heading out to the new building area for a photograph.
We thank our Captains for their support and look forward to the unveiling of our new building in Term 4 next year.
House Spirit
This term our student leaders planned a special game of dodgeball for our Year 6s. The games started 2 weeks again where students play against teachers as part of their final activities at primary school in their house colours. The rest of the school have been spectators and designed flags and other items in their house colour to cheer on their team colours.
The final match is on Monday the 18th of December.
Next year we will continue our link with Our House Spirit and put on more exciting activities for our students.
You can read and view more about Our House Spirit in the link below.
New Building
Work on our new building began a few weeks ago. Fences have been placed around the site area and this will mean for the next 12 months everyone will have to be patient whilst navigating their way around the school.
Below you will find a link to some of the architects drawings of the building. The building will be completed at the end of 2024 ready for use in 2025. The building consists of 8 classrooms, 2 STEM rooms and a large library which can also be used as a meeting space for teachers and for parent sessions. The building also has a number of meeting spaces for staff to access.
This building is part of the Department of Education's new school expansion project.
Playground, Paths, Walkways, Garden and Musical Instruments
Work on our new Year 3-6 playground will begin in the middle of February 2024 and take about one month to complete. The design is a ninja course to reflect the interest of our students.
This project will also include paths, walkways and garden near the sandpit and musical instruments in the learning street. This project was funded by the Department of Education's Inclusive Schools Fund.