Parents' and Friends' Association (PFA)

Upcoming Events in Term 4:
Sushi Lunch - Wednesday 27th of November
Orders are made online through
Please enter our schools name into the search drop box once you have clicked the ‘find my school’ tab.
Orders close at 10am Tuesday 26th of November
** No late orders can be accepted.
Twilight Sports Carnival - Friday 29th November
The PFA would like to run a sausage sizzle at our twilight sports. Shortly a form will be sent to understand how many people would like to purchase a sausage in bread. It would help us if you would promptly respond so that we can adequately plan and cater for the evening . We will also be needing assistance with cooking and serving. A roster will also be sent shortly .
Zooper Dooper Wednesdays are back !!
Please make sure $1 is handed to your child’s classroom teacher in the morning and provide exact change as it's not always easy for teachers to break notes.
Remember that we always welcome assistance from our fellow
parents and guardians.
If you would like to help at any of our upcoming events please contact us at
Our PFA 2024 Class Representatives are:
Prep A | Sia Roussos & Terri Abeysekera |
Prep B | Sarah Koh |
1 / 2 C | Janina Pereira Mok |
1 / 2 D | Lisa Alizzi |
1 / 2 E | Joanne Saulys |
3 / 4 F | Verina Pang |
3 / 4 G | Erica Madgin & Julie Moretti |
3 / 4 H | Lara Akinsanya |
5 / 6 I | Setareh Jafari |
5 / 6 J | Mandy Hjorth |
5 / 6 L | Manj Senn & Silvia Miracola |
Have a great week ahead everyone!