School Council news

Dear Parents and Guardians,
I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to share with you the outcomes from the recent School Council meeting held on Monday night, where we discussed and set the 2025 parent payments for the CJC Whole School Parent Contributions and the French Binational Program.
There are increases to the fee structures so that that we can continue to deliver our dynamic curriculum programs for our students and invest in their ongoing evolution as learners.
The CJC Whole School Parent Contributions are the costs associated with all students at CJC to facilitate and deliver the Victorian Curriculum across all grade levels.
The Voluntary Contributions are payments made by parents to support the school outside of the classroom – building and grounds, first aid, library and administration.
Whilst we will be issuing the 2025 Parent Payment arrangements in the next couple of weeks, we would like to assure parents that every effort has gone into keeping the fee schedule across the whole school as low as possible. In the first instance it may seem like the CJC Whole School Parent Contributions has increased, families will in fact be paying less than 2024 when taking into consideration both the parent contribution and the individual stationery packs.
One of the positive outcomes of the discussions at School Council is the decision to include the student stationery into the CJC Whole School Parent Contributions to negate the need for families to have to order/shop provide the stationery at the beginning of the year. This will have several positive impacts for all families and specifically for classroom management.
- Families will not be left with excess quantities of stationery at the end of the year.
- All students will have the correct tools in the correct quantities to commence learning from day one of the new year.
- Teachers will not have the additional mental load of managing students who do not have the correct materials, or in some cases, no materials provided at all.
- Teaching will be able to commence from day one.
- Buying in bulk will deliver financial savings that we can pass on to families.
- Families will not need to spend precious time in the summer holidays collating student stationery.
We would also like to remind families that if they want their contact details included in the class lists at the beginning of the year, they need to ensure that they have logged into Compass and completed the agreements and questions that are linked to the CJC Whole School Parent Contributions, before we issue the lists in week 3 of term 1. The scheduled release date for Class Contact lists for 2025 will be.
- Week 3 – term1
- Week 6 – term 1
- Week 2 – term 2
- Week 2 – term 3
- Week 2 – term 4
Thank you for your continued support. We are confident that these measures will make the start of the school year smoother for both students and families.
New Senior playground and Ninja adventure course
We are pleased to inform our CJC community that we have confirmed the installation of a senior playground upgrade to replace our existing playground. This important upgrade is funded by the funds raised by our hardworking Parent Committee. Our thanks to everyone who has worked to raise these funds or been involved in the lead up to having this important project underway before the end of February 2025.
As an addition to the playground replacement, we are adding a 9-station Ninja style adventure course to the school yard. These new stations will be placed behind the current sports store and maintenance sheds and will run alongside the current senior playground. This work is also planned to commence in late February 2025.
Many thanks to the School Council for the support of these exciting projects and for approving the works that will provide more playground access for our students.
Chris Chant
Erratum: last week we incorrectly announced the new School Photo supplier, apologies.