Attendance Report

Congratulations to 1/2C for winning the Term 4 Week 2 and 5/6D for winning the Term 4 Week 3 Weekly Attendance award for being the class with the highest attendance in the school.
Congratulations to Phoenix from 1/2B for winning the Golden Ticket Award in Week 2. He chose the Drone and Remote Control Stunt Car. The next winner will be drawn out at assembly on Friday 1st November.
Our overall school attendance is currently at 41%. This is a significant drop from previous weeks. The main cause for this drop is students attending school late.
Lateness can lead to lower grades, increased absenteeism, and a negative educational experience. Research indicates that students who are frequently late tend to have lower academic performance.
At MWPS we classify a child as late if they arrive at school after 9:00am. Children are expected to come straight to the office and receive a Welcome pass if they arrive after 9:00am. If a child is 15 minutes late everyday by the end of the year that is the equivalent of 8 days away from school. Please ensure that your child is on time for school every day. The need for punctuality is vital as the impact lateness can have on student learning and classroom routines effects your child’s education.
Letters are currently being sent home requesting explanations for any Unexplained Absences from the year (to-date). Please remember to update you Dojo app to ensure that you are receiving messages from teachers.
Miss Dearing
(Attendance Officer)