Mental Health & Wellbeing Report

The ZONES of Regulation
Our school uses the Zones of Regulation as a means of teaching students about their emotions and to further develop their self-regulation skills. Self-regulation is an essential skill in life, and in all learning environments.
The Zones of Regulation groups all the ways that children feel and behave into four “Zones”:
The students learn to recognise emotions in themselves and others and then about how their emotions and attention to learning are connected. They learn that they move through their Zones throughout the day, and that they can improve their control over their Zones through practice. A crucial aspect of the Zones is learning strategies for changing from one Zone to another, thus encouraging each student to build a repertoire of tools.
It is important to note that none of the Zones are “bad” or “naughty”. All the Zones are expected at one time or another. The Zones of Regulation are something that can be implemented easily at home.
I have attached the posters that we use in the Zen Zone and every classroom that you can print to use at home. Please let me know if you would like further information.
Kind Regards,
Vanessa Moore
Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader (MHWC)