Sports Update
Water Awareness
Last week, we held our Water Awareness sessions at the Glen Innes Aquatic Centre. The feedback we received from instructors, staff and students was all extremely positive. The growth and confidence in the students’ swimming ability was really pleasing to see and we commend our students for fully participating in this event.
I would like to thank the very talented, patient and skilled instructors; Bec Willis, Karen Fletcher, Karen Marshall, Sue Anderson, Veronica McNamara and Simone Kerr. Without their help, these sessions would not be possible. Our staff have also played a vital role in making this happen, ensuring the students are transported to and from the pool safely along with being extremely flexible with all the interruptions to the regular timetable.
We encourage families to continue to visit the pool to build on the skills the students learnt last week. Living in the bush, we are surrounded by so many different places to swim and it gives us peace of mind knowing our students have a greater awareness around waterways.
Polding Cricket Trials
We wish Claire Bailey all the best as she participates in the Polding Cricket Trials in Coffs Harbour on Wednesday the 4th December. I hear Claire has been training very hard in preparation for this and we know she will give it her all. Good luck Claire!
The Australian Sports Commission (ASC) and Federation University are conducting a study to understand the costs associated with delivering and participating in community sport.
To gather valuable insights, they would like parents from our school to complete a short online survey about their total expenses related to sports participation.
The results of this project will be used to make recommendations to inform the ASC sport policies and strategies to minimise the cost of playing sport.
Jackie Barratt
For your Diaries:
- Wednesday 4th December - Polding Cricket Trials Coffs Harbour (Claire Bailey)
- Friday 6th December - Diocesan Summer Trials (Basketball and Tennis - selected students).
This is the website for the ADPSC Calendar.