Message from the Principal

Message from the Principal
Dear Families,
So many exciting things happening around our school at the moment.
We have students in Year 4 & 5 preparing for the Sacrament of Eucharist and Confirmation. Thank you to their families and the staff who are supporting them with their preparation. Please keep these students and their families in your prayers.
Excitement is also building for 2024 Book Week. Thank you to Mrs Terry for organising so many events and competitions to help us celebrate our favourite week of the year! Looking forward to seeing everyone in costume on Thursday, 22nd August.
The Leadership team are currently meeting with our 2025 Foundation Families. What a privilege to be part of the educational journey for each of these little people. We have had over 90 requests for 2025 Foundation enrollments, accepting 75, which puts us at capacity at this year level. It is humbling to be in a position where the wider community is so eager to join us.
I would also like to take the opportunity to thank all those who contributed to my Formative Principal Appraisal last week by completing the survey or agreeing to be interviewed by the panel. The feedback from the panel spoke highly of our united and cohesive staff and supportive school community, naming clarity in direction and a shared vision as one of our biggest strengths. So grateful to everyone for making our school community such a great place to learn, grow and continue to improve.
Literacy Activity
This week's winner is Oscar Hawkey.
Thank you for all our entries. It is amazing to see so many families engaging in our learning activities. Our winning family received a game of Junior Scrabble.
Our next challenge is .........
Grow in the Likeness of God Award
Each fortnight, I will award a member from our community this award based on our theme for 2024:
Grow in the Likeness of God.
This week's recipient is Anthony.
Anthony is kind, considerate and responsible. He thinks about others and always acts in a respectful and caring manner. Thank you for being such an amazing leader in our school.
Opening the Doors Foundation - Fundraiser
As part of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day (4th of August), the Opening The Doors Foundation is encouraging schools to fundraise for the OTDF. In 2023, schools raised over $6,500!
On Friday, 9th August, St Therese's students are asked to wear a "Splash of Colour" (representing the colours of the Indigenous flag, red, yellow, and black) and bring a gold coin donation. A splash of colour is a ribbon, socks, a scarf, etc ... NOT a casual clothes day.
The Opening The Doors Foundation is a 24-year-old First Nations-led organisation supporting educational opportunities for First Nations children. It provides First Nations children from regional, remote and urban communities across Australia, with educational opportunities within Victorian non-government schools - enabling them to participate fully and equally in education, by supporting families to make their own choices about their children’s future for their entire education journey from Foundation to Year 12.