
Catholic Performing Arts Celebrating 35 Years
This annual Arts festival was launched last Thursday 18 July at the magnificent St Mary’s Cathedral in a moving ceremony featuring liturgical dance and drama, live music, the Aquinas Boys Choir, Mel Maria Primary School choir and an entertaining sermon by Monsignor Kevin Long about his personal journey in the Arts. Surrounded by stunning works of art, framed within the spectacular architecture of the Cathedral, with stained glass filtering an array of coloured lighting into the reverent space, one could not help but be awestruck by the power Art has to centre us and encourage us to reflect on this world we live in. Our College was represented by Arts Captain Cadence Smythe and Senior Arts students, Logan Davies, Lucy Nancarrow and Dakota Quinn together with our Principal, Ms Sharon Rainford who joined us for this memorable celebration.
Our Xanten Performing Arts learning space is presently abuzz with activity and sound; from the electric beats of the rock bands to angelic solo voices to the energy and physicality of the Dance Studio. Students often come to practice during their recess or lunch breaks with enthusiasm that is energising and inspirational. Staff and students of the Arts further demonstrate their commitment for their craft through regular ensemble workshops outside of school hours. Our Director of Music, Mr Luke Di Labio and Dance teacher Mrs Kathryn Crocker are passionate educators in their fields of expertise and are outstanding role models for our creative students. Their commitment to guiding and creating with these young artists is of the highest standards and impressive to witness. The Arts team are grateful to Ms Tania Harvey for all her work in co-ordinating the administration and logistics of so many students.
Events are already underway with our Percussion, Woodwind, Guitar and String ensembles having already performed, and the Rock Bands commanding performances on Monday evening. An impressive start with high standards set. Mr Di Labio has commented on the maturity, professionalism and remarkable talents of our students. He is supported by a brilliant team of music tutors who encourage our students to achieve high standards in their craft and we thank them for their contributions to College life. You can find out about sourcing tickets to events and all other details about this fabulous festival HERE.
We wish all of our St Norbert artists a most rewarding festival experience; we value your devotion to the Arts and thank you for bravely and generously sharing these talents with the wider community with such joy and passion.
Dance Excursion
Sydney Dance Company `Momenta’ choreographed by Raphael Bonachela
A unique experience for our senior Dance students travelling to our beautiful State Theatre for the performance of `Momenta’ by Sydney Dance Company. Students were taken on a poetic exploration of the craft of movement where the dancers mesmerised the audience through a kaleidoscope of energy and movement that transcended physical limitations. The connection between the dancers was breathtaking, inspiring our students who were fully engaged by the grace, power and vulnerability of the artwork.
Prior to the performance we witnessed their warm-up processes and were explained insights about the creative development of choreography. Post show there was a Q and A with the audience that informed us about the personal journey and experiences of some of the dancers and artists involved in the creation of this memorable show.
It was a really great performance from Sydney Dance Company, the dancers were inspiring and we learned so much about the creative processes and performance. I left feeling motivated by the experience. – Alanna Mills (Year 11 Dance Student).
We are grateful to Mrs Crocker for her time and enthusiasm in co-ordinating this very special event for the students.
Ms K Cassidy
(Head of Learning Area - The Arts)