Catholic Identity


In Melbourne we experience four seasons throughout the year, where the weather changes and the temperatures vary.  In the church, the liturgical year has six seasons and currently we are in the season of Ordinary Time.  In Ordinary Time, we learn the teachings of Christ and work to build up the Kingdom of God.  The goal for Christians in Ordinary Time is to order our life inline with Christ’s. For a disciple (anyone who follows Jesus), ordinary time is extraordinary time!


In last week’s Gospel we heard about Jesus being followed by people even as he and the Apostles tried to find some peace and quiet.  Rather than turn away from the crowds, Jesus took pity on the people and spent time with them.  Each week Jesus invites us to spend time with him at Mass and to spend time in prayer with him each day.  You may like to reread last Sunday's Gospel as a family and spend some quiet time with Jesus:


They were like sheep without a shepherd                                          MARK 6:30-34

The apostles rejoined Jesus and told him all they had done and taught. Then he said to them, ‘You must come away to some lonely place all by yourselves and rest for a while; for there were so many coming and going that the apostles had no time even to eat. So they went off in a boat to a lonely place where they could be by themselves. But people saw them going, and many could guess where; and from every town they all hurried to the place on foot and reached it before them. So as he stepped ashore he saw a large crowd; and he took pity on them because they were like sheep without a shepherd, and he set himself to teach them at some length.


The celebration of our 2024 Sacrament of Confirmation will take place this term.  To help parents prepare their children for this important Sacrament we will be holding a Family Night this Thursday 25th July @ 7:00pm in the St John’s Hall.  At this meeting Fr Albert will chat with families about the importance of the Sacrament your child is preparing to receive.


It is expected that all Confirmation Candidates attend this meeting with a parent.  During the meeting we will be discussing church requirements such as who is eligible to be a Confirmation Sponsor, the significance of the saint’s name your child chooses to take in Confirmation and the dress code for the celebration.  


Below is a list of important dates, in the lead up to celebrating the sacrament.  You may wish to mark these  on your family calendar:

Confirmation Family Meeting

Thursday 25th July

7:00pm @ St John’s School Hall

Sacrament of Confirmation 

 Friday 23rd August 


As we know, attending Mass regularly is the best way to prepare your child to receive a sacrament.  It is also a crucial part of helping your child to develop a personal relationship with God, that they can carry with them throughout their life.

Families with a child celebrating a sacrament this year, are reminded to ensure that their child is getting their Sacramental Journal signed each time they attend Mass on a Sunday.  Should your child lose their journal, please contact the school office for a replacement. 


Throughout the year we have numerous School and Community Masses scheduled for St John’s.  Parents are warmly invited to join us for these celebrations.  Upcoming Mass dates are listed in the dates sections of this newsletter, but I would like to draw your attention to Masses which will be held at St John’s in the next few weeks.  


July School Mass

We will be celebrating our first School Mass for Term 3 on Wednesday 24th July.  This Mass will be held in the School Hall, commencing at 9:30am.  Parents are most welcome to join us for this celebration.


July Community Mass 

Our Community Mass for this month will be held on Saturday 27th July @ 5pm in the School Hall.   At this Mass we will especially remember our Year 6 students who are preparing to celebrate their Sacrament of Confirmation.


Community Mass Dates

Please click on the link below for the dates of all Community Masses this year:



Alpha is a safe space where one can openly ask life's BIG questions and not feel judged.  Alpha can help individuals explore topics such as life, death, faith and so much more.  A new Alpha Program will be starting shortly in the parish.  Please see the brochure below for more information.  

Parish Take Home Sheet