Kaye Gregory
Kaye Gregory
Book Week is just over two weeks away. To celebrate we are having our school Book Day on Tuesday 20th August.
This year’s Book Week theme is ‘Reading is Magic.’ This is a great theme as it reminds us that reading really is magic as it can take you to other worlds, allow you to explore new ideas, and even help you understand a different person. Once read, our favourite books retain their magic. This is especially true for treasured books that we hold onto as mementos. The Book Week theme has been introduced to the children, and they are all busy creating displays for the library based on some of the shortlisted books.
On our Book Day children can come to school dressed up as a book character from one of their favourite books or come as something more general related to the theme ‘Reading is Magic.’
Dressing up is meant to be fun and children are encouraged to use what they already have at home available to them. See the attachment below for some magical ideas that are easy to recreate with items found in the home. Involve your children in creating their costume and encourage them to let their imaginations soar and remember that the most magical costumes are those that come from the heart.
More information about this day will follow shortly.
Kaye Gregory
Teacher Librarian