Primary School

We have plunged straight into a new term. Students have already been given some wonderful opportunities both on and off campus. This week Year Six students have travelled to Perth for a hockey trip, Year Two students are busy learning and preparing for their Mystery History Bus tour and Years Four to Six have been participating in the Artist in Resident programme. 


Opportunities also extended to teaching staff when Great Southern Grammar hosted a professional development workshop for Early Childhood teachers. It was lovely to upskill whilst collaborating with teachers from across the Great Southern. 



This week, classes from Pre-Primary to Year Six have been looking at the Tanabata festival. The festival is also known as the Star Festival and takes place on 7 July, or 7 August in some regions of Japan. We looked at how it is celebrated, read a folktale about Tanabata and have been singing the Tanabata folk song. Students wrote tanzaku wishes that we hope will come true. 

Ms Jaekel Sensei - Japanese 


Choir Workshop 

Last Friday, Parklands School choir visited GSG for a day of collaboration with our Primary Voices choir. Approximately 45 students from Years Three to Six participated in the workshop, learning a range of repertoire and vocal techniques. In the afternoon, the combined choir showcased their efforts in a concert for parents in the GSG Hall. It was fantastic to see the level of engagement and enjoyment displayed by all students throughout the day, while experiencing the joy of singing in a large group. 


Thank you to Parklands School, and the parents and teachers who supported this valuable opportunity for our students. 

Miss Kaila Thomas | Music teacher


Wild Space Afternoon 

On Friday, Years One, Two, and Six went on a NAIDOC Week-inspired walk to the big Wild Space. They connected with the land and honoured the spirit of NAIDOC by participating in activities, respecting the land and connecting with one another. Our school is situated on such a significant and important place, and we are teaching our students to truly understand and appreciate that.  



ECC Briefing  

The following superstars have started the term beautifully and received a Star Award for their efforts.  

Kindergarten: Connor Robson 

Pre-Primary: Sebastian Jacobs 

Year One: Phoebe Weatherill 

Year Two: Alex Standish 


Upcoming Events 

Week Three 

Monday 29 July, Discover GSG Day, 9.00am to 1.00pm 

Friday 2 August, Denmark Meet the Principal Event, Boston Brewery Co, 5.00pm to 7.00pm 

Friday 2 August, Year Six (selected students), Primary Netball Carnival, Katanning 


Week Four 

Monday 5 August to Thursday 8 August, Year Five Camp, Woodman Point 

Wednesday 7 August,  Year Two Excursion Magical Mystery History Tour 

Thursday 8 August, Mokare Day (Whole School) 


Week Five 

Thursday 15 August, Year Four Excursion Museum of the Great Southern  

Friday 16 August, Year Four K Assembly, 2.20pm to 2.50pm 


Have a wonderful weekend  

Mrs Hayley Ranger and Miss Carys Nichols | Acting Heads of Primary