From the Principal

Communication and Reminders

Quality and timely communication between staff, students and families is an essential part of any learning community.


Schools are complex and the needs of stakeholders can differ. Receiving a large quantity of communication is often met with great satisfaction or the exact opposite.


By and large, GSG families continually provide me with positive feedback about the quality, timeliness and purposeful communication regarding events, student learning, co-curricular activities and other operational matters. 


Communication to families is delivered by teachers and business operations staff. This is a necessary part of their roles, but from time to time, this can take them away from urgent work matters and sometimes at the cost of their own personal and family time after work hours.


To continue improving the quality of communication between families and staff, I would like to draw your attention to the following:

  • Should you have any concerns, please contact the relevant teacher or business operations staff member first, by email or phone. In-person is always a good way to go if possible.
  • Should you have increasing concerns, please contact the Head of Subschool or Head of House and arrange a meeting time.
  • Should you wish to provide general feedback and suggestions to the school, this can be done through the feedback button on the website. Anything related to the quality of communication from the school is most welcome.
  • Digital feedback to families about student learning is important. To increase the quality of feedback to families, we have consolidated and reduced the number of feedback comments in the Primary School to better reflect student achievement, what they need to work on next and how to go about this. This will also be reflected in future digital feedback processes in the Secondary School.
  • Should a family or student contact staff out of work hours, an out-of-office message will be sent and the staff members will respond in a timely fashion when they are able. This is in support of managing staff workload and wellbeing.
  • Should a family be planning an extended period of travel during term time, please send an email to 

The school is committed to reviewing and improving communication processes. I thank you for your support to continue refining communication across the school to meet the needs of all stakeholders.


As we continue this journey in 2024, I would like to invite interested parents/guardians to come to a coffee morning to discuss celebrations, areas for improvement, and ideas for the future.


When: Tuesday 13 August or Tuesday 19 September

Time: 10.00am to 11.30am

Where: Dylans on the Terrace, Stirling Terrace (upstairs)




A reminder to our Denmark community; Meet the Principal function will be hosted on 2 August 2024 at Boston Brewery at 5.00pm. This event is part of the 2024 Roadshow and I encourage all families and friends to attend. 


RSVP by Wednesday 31 July to




Go well

Mr Mathew Irving | Principal