Student Wellbeing

Life Education Incursions @ Greenhills


Each week, students participate in wellbeing lessons inside their classrooms. To support these wellbeing lessons, we also draw on the expertise and experiences of agencies and experts along the way. These have included government services including the police talking about Cyber safety and fire fighters focusing on safety in the community. This term, Life Education Victoria are running incursions inside our classrooms in all year levels, from Prep to Year 6. These sessions play a role in developing our students' knowledge and skills in health, wellbeing, and personal safety. By engaging in interactive and age-appropriate activities, our students learn to make informed decisions, develop resilience, and build positive relationships. These incursions directly align with the personal and social curriculum, fostering self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and respectful interactions among peers.


At Greenhills Primary School, our values of Grit, Respect, Effort, Adventure, and Teamwork (GREAT) are at the core of everything we do. The Life Education Victoria program supports these values by encouraging students to persevere through challenges (Grit), treat others with kindness and consideration (Respect), strive to do their best (Effort), embrace new experiences (Adventure), and work collaboratively (Teamwork). We believe that these incursions will add value to our Wellbeing lessons in the classroom, helping to nurture well-rounded individuals who are prepared for the complexities of the world.

After your child has completed their Life Education incursion we encourage you to discuss and reflect with them. Ask them questions to dive deeper, such as;

  • What did you learn at the incursion?
  • Was there something you wanted to find out more about?
  • Did you have any questions or was there anything that you are unsure about?
  • Is there anything that concerned/worried you?

The Life Education website has some useful parent resources and information that may be helpful for you at home. These include information on Cyber Safety, Drugs and Alcohol and Respectful Relationships. Please visit the following link if you would like any extra information.           

Janine and Brad.