Student Leaders

Mini Olympics
On Friday the second of August, we had our whole school Mini Olympics Day. Each Tribe was elected a country and wore that country’s flag colours. We kicked off the day by organising ourselves in our Tribe rooms, which was run by the grade 6 Tribe leaders, as usual. In the opening ceremony, each country was called up and paraded around the middle of the basketball court. Then, by surprise, Mr Crawford rode his bike wearing a koala costume and holding the Olympic torch! He handed it to a grade 6 student, which was then passed around the court to the other grade 6s until it reached the school mascot, Bunjil the eagle, who lit the torch in her handmade costume. The day had begun! Each Tribe participated in fun and inclusive activities.
There was a pop up canteen that the students enjoyed. We ended the day by having our closing ceremony where we each received a dove that someone else had made with an empowering message. We found out the gold, silver and bronze medal winners for the top three countries. After, our school mascot did a break dancing routine. Thanks Tash! Bronte, in grade 6, put out the torch to end the day.
On the Monday the 5th of August, we had our grade 3-6 Athletics Day. We came to the school in the morning in our house colours, ready to depart on buses. We arrived at Proclamation Park and began with grades 3-4 on field and grades 5-6 on track. Each class was split into boys and girls, and had a teacher to organise them and direct them throughout the day. Each time a student placed, a certain amount of points was tallied to decide which house would win with the most points .
In the field events there was triple jump, long jump, high jump, discuss and shot put. For track, there was 800m, 200m and 100m races. For the 100m and 200m races, there were two to three heats and one final. 800m was just on it’s own with no heats, as it is a longer race. Then we jumped back on the bus and headed back to school with sore legs and arms. What a great day!
We're so lucky to have had such a sporty, active start to Term 3. Go the green and gold!