F-4 Community News


Home Reading

Thank you so much to all the people who help support our students with their reading at home. It really makes a difference to your child’s reading when they practice at home. There is always great excitement when the students receive their certificate for the number of nights they have read.

It is so rewarding for all when home and school work together.


Foundation and Year 12 Mass

On Thursday 18 July the Foundation students attended their last Parish Mass with their Year 12 buddies. This year's Parish Mass has followed the theme of The Lord is my Shepherd, it speaks of being protected and guided by God. The students participated in the music presentation extremely well. We thank Father Uday for his time.

Goldilocks and the Three Bears Picnic

During Term 2 the Foundation students have been learning about fractions and sharing in their Maths Specialist classes with Miss Emmett, Mrs Borelli and Mr Coombs. This learning helped the students to prepare some delicious food for some special guests who were invited to attend. Goldilocks and the Three Bears came along and enjoyed the picnic with the Foundation students and the teachers.

Years 1 and 2 

Welcome back to Term 3!

Our term started with a visit from KyValley Dairies last week to finish off our Inquiry Unit 'From farm to fridge'. We enjoyed three rotations where we explored how a cow's stomach works, milking equipment and milk factory tools. The session finished off with some chocolate milk - yum! Our new Inquiry topic for this term is 'The Olympics'. 

The Year 1s are digging into their new core knowledge topic 'The History of the Earth'. We are learning about the Earth's layers with the help of Gerry the Geologist.

In Numeracy we have completed a unit on data and are looking forward to tuning in our measuring skills when working on 'length.'

The Year 2's are delving into Ancient Greek Civilisations for core knowledge and extending their addition and subtraction skills in numeracy.

In RE we are working on a unit titled 'We can pray in different ways'. We will be learning about how we pray and why prayer is important.


We all enjoyed writing about our holidays and hope you can enjoy reading some of our writing:

On the holidays I went to tiny tales and I held a python, it's name is Noodle. I also went to Melbourne Zoo and I saw a snow leopard, butterflies, tigers, lions, meerkats and snakes. I also went to Grandma's house!   By Luigi C, Year 1


On the holidays I went to Torquay. I saw my cousins and we went to the beach. Next week my Nanny and Poppy Barnes came over to our house. We didn't go to their house because last time the power went out. Anyway, we did watch a movie and I got a finger bun, it went munch, crunch, munch, crunch in my mouth.  By Indi B, Year 1


On the holidays it was my birthday, I got a lava lamp. I went to the movies to watch Despicable Me Four, it was weird. I also went to the Fauna Park, we saw the dinosaurs, they were big. I went to swimming lessons, it was fun. Zack, my swimming teacher splashed me, so I splashed him. I love holidays!  By Poppy B, Year 1


Yay! I went to Disney on Ice. I went to Twisted Science and saw Alana and I went on a rock climbing wall. I called Blayk and played Roblox all day. I watched Essendon vs Richmond. Richmond won.   By Chase J, Year 1


My favourite part of the holidays was going to Sydney. I went to Sydney with my family: Mum, Tyler and Ryan. First my family and I were going to Sydney - it was a massive drive. When we finally got to my crazy cousin's house we played video games. It was cool, amazing and other big stuff. Next we went to the long Minions movie and the lollies were delicious. I was so tired in the movie but it was amazing. I was lazy. By Nate C, Year 2


My favourite part about my holidays was going to see the light show in Bendigo, I went there with Mum, Dad, Mum's cousin Maddi, Nan, Maddi's mum Marina, and Maddi's boyfriend Toby. First we got in the huge line and saw a big eyeball staring at us, a huge castle of lights and bright light sabers to wind about. Next, we got in rainbow smoke, played with giant dominoes and finally, got two realistic lightsabers. By Lily M, Year 2



The sunshine has been lovely for students to enjoy outside at recess and lunch but the air is still chilly, so please don't forget jumpers and jackets.

After completing a survey last Term, many students across Year one and two responded that they felt they didn't get enough sleep and were feeling tired. We are encouraging all students to head to bed early and make sure they are getting enough rest so their bodies can recover to help them be their best during the school day.

Don't forget to practice reading nightly at home, either using our readers from school, logging into Decodable Readers online, or with books from home or the library.

Years 3 and 4

The Year 3/4 students have been learning about different faiths in Religious Education. Henna is a type of dye which is used to create intricate patterns on the body during special Islamic festivals and celebrations. The students had a great time creating their own Henna pattern. They also created an Islamic Mosque.