From Kylie Morrissey

Deputy Principal - Catholic Identity and Community

Term 3 Giving to Vinnies Kyabram

Our 2024 Student Leadership Team heard from two guest presenters from Vinnies Victoria in a 60-minute workshop, aimed to inform them about the vision and mission of the St Vincent De Paul Society in Week 1. Our Student Leaders had some prior knowledge about the work of Vinnies, but many did not know that it began in Paris by a gentleman named Frederic Ozanam who saw a need for people going without warmth and heating, and set about to supply them with firewood! Who would have thought such a simple action would lead to a global organisation that is committed to reaching out to people on the margins?

Today, the Vinnies Conference and Op Shop serve the Kyabram community by providing support with bills, accommodation, clothing, other household items and of course, food!


Can you help us?

In Term 3 our Student House Leaders and Catholic Social Teaching Leaders are collaborating and calling on all students to give generously to our Vinnies Winter Appeal.


Items needed the most by families in Kyabram:

  • Socks
  • Beanies
  • Gloves
  • Scarves
  • Pasta and sauces
  • Rice
  • Biscuits
  • Tinned food items

House points up for grabs!

Each item donated in 2024 will attract a House Point and our House Leaders and CST Leaders will be stopping by TA spaces weekly to collect donated items.

We think our House Patrons, Saint Augustine of Hippo, Bishop Daniel Delany and St Brigid of Kildare would be very proud of the way we put our faith into action in Term 3 - that they’d also be big fans of a friendly competition!



Kylie Morrissey

Deputy Principal

Catholic Identity & Community