Our Star awards...

You're a Star Awards for Week 1 of Term 3 were awarded at assembly on 19 July:

FBHeidi SFor all your hard work and giving everything a try! Keep up the great work Heidi!
FBRory HFor always trying your best and having an awesome attitude towards learning!
FHImogen MFor always trying your best, always having a smile on your face and being an all round superstar! 
FHIrene GFor your wonderful dedication to learning, always trying your best and being a kind and respectful listener!
FDGeorgia AFor a fantastic start to her new school and her confident and enthusiastic contributions to classroom discussions! Super effort Georgia!
FNMax FFor having a positive attitude towards his learning and working hard. Keep it up Max!
FNHannah BFor being a kind and inclusive friend who always works hard. Keep it up Hannah!
FWEloise SFor always being helpful, kind and showing respect to all members of the classroom.
FWMilo CFor always having a positive attitude towards learning and always following classroom rules and expectations.
1PEllie BuiFor making a great start here at Parkdale PS. We love having you in our class. Welcome Ellie. 
1PSam KFor making a great start to Semester 2 by being ready to learn and being extremely helpful in assisting his peers in the classroom. Well done Sam!
1SJacob SFor his outstanding efforts and enthusiasm around learning, what an amazing start to Term 3 Jacob! 
1WAlex JFor her excellent start to the descriptive writing about Kangaroos. Great job Alex!
2CSean EFor writing a detailed recount about his holidays including paragraphs, time connectives and an onomatopoeia. Great work Sean!
2CCharlie S-WFor working hard and trying his best at all learning tasks this term. Well done Charlie
2gArchie CFor your enthusiasm when creating your comic book. Great work Archie!
2GJimmy PFor your enthusiastic effort with your holiday recount writing. Well done Jimmy!
2TElena JFor contributing thoughtful ideas during our Inquiry discussions about Earth's precious resources.
2WHunter JFor demonstrating enthusiasm towards learning and sharing your insightful facts about Earth's precious resources.
2WIsla S-MFor being a focused, conscientious learner who has shown tremendous improvement with her handwriting!
3BMia MFor her willingness to contribute her knowledge during discussion times. A fabulous attitude Mia.
3HLulu WFor working really hard to write complex sentences.
3HSam McCFor an excellent start to Term 3! 
3JAsher HFor working really well on all classroom tasks. Well done on a huge effort! 
3JNathan FFor being an active learner during Bar Modelling lessons and being so thorough when working independently.
3MFelix AFor demonstrating resilience, along with a terrific attitude and effort with settling into your first week at PPS!
4BZara PFor her outstanding setting and character descriptions shown in her narrative introduction.
4DEmma SFor starting in 4D in positive and friendly note. Welcome to PPS, We are so glad to have you!
4DJasmine BFor always being helpful, kind and showing respect to all members of the classroom.
4PZayn HFor being an engaged and ‘active learner’ in class. Your reading responses have been terrific. Keep up the wonderful work Zayn.
4PMaria CFor writing accurate reflections when responding to reading comprehension questions about War Horse.
4SRuari SFor being such a wonderful classmate who exemplifies kindness and inclusivity.
5BAnnabelle S      For her focus and collaboration with others, to complete tasks to a high standard.
5BAidan Rfor the wonderful manners he uses every single day to greet and thank all of his teachers.
5GJenson AFor displaying an excellent work ethic, contributing and completing class tasks to a high standard. Awesome Job!
5HOliver KFor pursuing his personal best during all set tasks. Well done! 
5HEliza OFor always ensuring her work reflects her personal best across all subjects. Congratulations Eliza! 
5OJay SFor actively participating in our Single Shard lessons and sharing insightful answers.
5OSiena RFor always working to the best of her ability during our 'A Single Shard' lessons.
6BWill McWFor consistently working to the best of his abilities and displaying a positive attitude in the classroom.
6BMila BFor being a polite, respectful student who is an outstanding role model to her peers.
6JOlivia FFor the exceptional effort you have put in to the presentation and content of your Magicians Nephew workbook!
6JWendy LFor starting term 3 in fantastic fashion, being willing to contribute your thoughts and ideas on our novel study!
6MArchie DFor putting 100% effort into his writing and making a wonderful start to his memory book. Well done Archie! 
6MLily McKFor demonstrating an exceptional understanding of our class novel, 'The Magician's Nephew'. Your written responses are wonderful, Lily! 
6RTobias JFor your contributions to our class discussions during 'The Magician's Nephew' and your positive influence on the classroom. 
6RHarry SFor being a wonderful role model for his peers, demonstrating respect to all members of the school community! 
6UEvie SFor the fantastic start she has made with her Memory Book writing by creating an engaging foreword
6ULaila MFor her wonderful effort and focus with our novel study, excellent workbook presentation and detailed answers.

There were no Star awards issued for Week 2 of Term 3.