Mr Bainbridge's Bulletin

It has been great to see so many familiar and new faces this week back at PPS. I hope everyone is well and been enjoying all aspects of their primary schooling. I’ve enjoyed reconnecting with all students, staff and families this week. 


Throughout my time over the last 6 months in an Acting Principal role, I was fortunate enough to build on my leadership capacity and enhance my overall knowledge and skills. Many of the learnings and experiences I’ll be able to further build on now at PPS.

The Prime Minister’s Spelling Bee is a national spelling competition that is available to any Grade 3 – 6 children. If your child is in Grade 3 – 6 and interested in the competition, then please refer to my Compass post for further details regarding the competition and a link to enter your child. It is a spelling competition that is a combination of both accuracy and speed.


As well as the upcoming Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC) the Prime Minister’s Spelling Bee is another great opportunity for our students to showcase their academic skills.