School Crossing

The School Crossing Supervisor, Linda Drake, works 8:10am - 9:00am and 2:50am - 3:50pm, Monday to Friday during school terms.
When the flags are inserted at the crossing, all those crossing Capital Avenue need to use the school crossing (students and adults). Everyone needs to stand behind the yellow line and only cross after 2 whistle blows are heard and only cross between the two broken lines between the flags on Capital Avenue.
If supervisor blows whistle once, it means Stop or Danger. In an emergency, if a car doesn’t in fact stop completely while students are crossing, Supervisor may say Stop, use an arm extended or the stop sign horizontally across those crossing to prevent an accident occurring.
Those students riding bikes or scooters need to walk, not ride, across the crossing. This is a legal requirement.
Those students looking at mobile phones need to look up and watch where they are walking when approaching the crossing and listen for 2 whistle blows before crossing the road.
These procedures are necessary to keep everyone safe as Capital Avenue can be very congested with not just cars, but buses and heavy trucks which can’t stop quickly.
The Supervisor not only helps those crossing the road but directs traffic and try to alleviate congestion problems both in the morning and afternoon.
It is also important even when the road is quite clear of traffic to wait for the Supervisor to protect those at the crossing as there is always the possibility for a car, motor bike or truck to come quickly around a corner and not see someone crossing without the stop sign more easily seen.