Student Awards

Hooper (JLC/Prep) for your excellent effort in presenting the 100 days of Prep Assembly. Well Done!
Daniel (JLC/Prep) for your excellent effort in presenting the 100 days of Prep Assembly. You have showed great growth in your confidence. Well Done!
Felix (JLC/1) for showing resilience and bouncing back when faced with challenges. You have grown in confidence and are making great progress with persevering through the difficult days. Fantastic job!
Lana (SLC/5) for supporting others, working as part of a team and having a positive outlook whilst completing learning tasks. Well done Lana!
Julia (SLC/5) for supporting her peers during our War Horse book study, ensuring others are following along and completing all tasks in the booklets. Well done Julia!
Sarah (SLC/6) for creating fascinating complex sentences when working on our War Horse book study activities, using new vocabulary to add detail and pique a reader's interest. Well done Sarah!
Rodney (SLC/6) for having a go at new activities and participating in the Potato Olympics with a positive attitude and a smile on his face. Well done Rodney!
Thomas E (SLC/6) for working really hard in Maths and putting in his best effort at all times.