School Calender

2024 Term Dates 


Term 1Tues 30 JanThu 28 March
Term 2Mon 15 AprilFri 28 June
Term 3Mon 15 JulyFri 20 Sep
Term 4Mon 7 OctFri 20 Dec

  School Calendar

Monday             Lunch orders

Tuesday             Art, Performing Arts

Tuesday             5/6 Sport

Wednesday      Auslan & Science

Thursday           Respectful Relationships



                             (Fortnightly odd  weeks)

Friday                   F/1/2 & 3/4 Sport

(Students are to wear runners on their sport day and on Bluearth Day.)



Mon   5th Aug   

Mon    4th Nov  

Fri      29th Nov

Fri     20th Dec
















                          Fri 26th July

               Excursion to Shearing Day

                      9am to 11:30am


                     Tue 30th July

          P&F Hot Lunch money due

            Please hand into office


                    Wed 31st July

               Chocolate money due

             $60 in envelope provided         






















  Thu 1st Aug

      100 days of foundation

F/1/2 students to dress as 100 year olds


     Fri 2nd Aug

          P&F Hot Lunch

Nuggets and Gems & Pop Top $5


            Mon 5th Aug


   Staff PD No students at school


            Tue 6th Aug

     Vinnies Blanket Appeal

   2:30-3:30 on basketball court


               Wed 7th Aug

5/6 Parent Info Night  Life Relationships Program

See PAM for details


                 Thu 8th Aug      

St Mary of the Cross MacKillop Feast Day

 See PAM for permission and information