As we wrapped up last term, I am pleased to share that our students ended on a high note by completing their work, challenging themselves, and generally being well-respected throughout the school and cooperative in their groups.
I was greeted by many happy faces on Monday, and I was delighted to see how well the students had adjusted and engaged with their work. Having three different teachers who all reported how well-behaved they were and how focused they remained on their tasks was especially gratifying. They should all be proud of their accomplishments so far this year and maintain this level of focus throughout the remainder of the year.
Last week, the students demonstrated a commendable level of commitment and enthusiasm. They completed most of the tasks set for them during class time, showing great focus and diligence. Their positive behavior and willingness to tackle the remaining assignments were truly impressive.
In Religious Education, we are continuing to explore the Scriptures, examining who wrote them and what they mean for us today. After this unit in RE we will be looking at Life Relationships - in Week 3. This will commerce with an information night held at the school from 5-6pm on the 7th August. I strongly encourage you to attend with your student to help establish a positive start to this unit in the sessions at school. On the 8th of August we will go to St Joseph’s in Nagambie to celebrate the life of St Marys of the Cross MacKillop with the students and staff at St Joe’s.
In English, we are continuing our work on the: Soundwaves program to improve spelling, creating more complex sentences to include in their creative writing and practise fluency to improve reading with more confidence with understanding. As always we are continuing to work on grammar and punctuation.
This term, we have started to build on the students' multiplication knowledge in Maths, laying a strong foundation before moving forward to division. The students have responded well to the changes I have made to our Maths program following on from the suggestions from the Maths PD day the staff and I attended. They like learning intentions and success criteria - which I am getting straight from the Vic Curriculum for each lesson - the retrieval chart (which focuses on past terms work, present learning and the the future session we will cover) and playing a maths game and then rounding off the lesson with the student focusing on one thing they learned from the lesson.
Looking ahead, the ASPA rehearsals will become more frequent as we prepare for the performance on September 19th. Additionally, there are many exciting events planned for this term, Shearing for Kids with Cancer excursion, and NAIDOC activities on Friday, Book Week parade and activities, the Courage and Crowns girls, mothers and grandmothers information night, the Life Relationship information night, and the St. Vinnies Winter Blanket Appeal.
It has been a pleasure to witness the students working so well, and I am proud of their efforts and achievements. As we move forward, I look forward to continuing this positive momentum into this term.
Thank you for your continued support and encouragement, especially with homework; if nothing else, reading is the most important part of it.