How the world works
Prep - Term 3 2024
How the world works
Prep - Term 3 2024
Climate and the type of materials available determines the structures that can be built
As an International Baccalaureate world school, authorised to teach the Primary Year’s Programme, we explore six transdisciplinary themes each year.
During this Unit the students will be looking at different structures and the materials they are made from. They will look at the differences in buildings all around the world and the impact climate and the materials available has on the structures that can be built. The students will investigate materials through their own building experiences and discover the importance of using appropriate materials for the right structures.
Students in Prep are encouraged to share their ideas and thoughts about different structures including structures such as houses, buildings and bridges, during show and tell sessions. Action in the PYP is initiated independently by the student as a result of the learning process.
Action may be bringing a book or artefact related to the inquiry to school, or student-initiated drawings, posters and research. We celebrate our students’ ACTION every day in our classrooms. If you see your children taking independent action at home encourage them to share their action with their class.
Ms Nicole Grant, Mrs Samantha Plumridge and Mrs Tanya Gibbon.