Classroom News 


We have had a great time settling back into this term. We have continued with Little Learners Love Literacy learning and have started a new topic in Maths - Sharing! 


Yesterday we celebrated our 100 days of Prep! We had a great day, dressing up in our bright colours, making 100 day crowns and even making fairy bread with 100s and 1000s. 


Next week, on Thursday we are starting our swimming lessons. Please make sure that you have given your child permission on PAM. Your child will also need a separate swimming bag with bathers (these can be underneath their school uniform if not a one piece), a towel, goggles and slip on shoes eg; slides/thongs.


Here are what some of our friends had to say about our 100 days in Prep: 

“I have loved celebrating 100 days of Prep!” - Harriet Laird

“My favourite bit about Prep is dressing up in different clothes!” - Vada Leersen 

“I have liked coming to school in my pyjamas and learning about the days of the week!” - Ilarh Leech-Alty

“My favourite part of Prep so far has been Milo’s Birthday Surprise!” - Fred Hickey


Gemma Blake

Meg Knight    



And just like that it is the end of Week 3….the weeks are flying by!


Thank you to our parents and grandparents who were able to join us at Prayer Gathering and visit our classrooms on Friday. It was wonderful to share the morning with you all.


This coming Thursday is the beginning of our school swimming program. The Year 2 children will start their swimming lesson at 12.00pm and the Year 1s at 12.30pm. Please pack a pair of thongs or slip on shoes for your child as we will put these on before we leave for the pool. If parents are able to help at the pool you will require a Working With Children Check, the office will need a copy of this.


Next Friday will be participating in a Prep – Year 2 Mini Olympics. We ask that your child wear their sports uniform on this day.


Just a reminder that tomorrow is a student free day. Our staff will be participating in learning of their own about the new mathematic curriculum. Enjoy the long weekend.


Some Year 1 comments about Grandparents Day:


Sia – “My Nannie Annie and my cousin Tex came to visit my classroom and they stayed for break time.”


Mabel – “My Nana and Grandpa came from Warrnambool to see me at my new school.”


Ollie - “My Grandpa and Nana came and I showed them my work.”


Fletcher- “I had a lot of people visit me, my Dad, Pippa, Joan and Basil and Ava


Darcy – “My Aunty Danielle and Brandon came to see me and my brother at school.”


Judy Carr              

Jodie Hassett     

Paula Parish       

Emma Roberts  

Matt O'Dowd     

Amanda Delorenzo



It has been a busy start to Term 3 in the Grade 3 and 4 Classrooms. 


Thank you for coming to the Grade 4 prayer gathering and sharing a morning tea with us. The students did a fantastic job!


We have well and truly caught the Olympic bug this term, so much so that we will be running our 'Mini Olympics' Next Friday 9th August from 12-1pm in the library and 3/4 classrooms. 


This is also a fantastic opportunity to see the wonderful work our students have been completing in Writing and Inquiry. Students have been researching a country, an athlete from that country and the event they will be competing in to complete an information report, poster fact file and powerpoint. We can't wait to share our work with you! 


Just a reminder that this Friday is a student free day and next Friday Grade 3 Elissa will be celebrating Mary McKillop's Feast Day in their Prayer Gathering. 


Here a few thoughts on our Olympic Unit of work from our students: 

'The Olympic Medals have a tiny piece of the Eiffel Tower in them' Will R

'Ronaldo from Portugal is the owner of the Euro's and his brother's name is Hugo!' Nyabiech G

'Learning about the Olympics has been so fun and I'm loving all the activities Matt and Kascha have organised' Hugo N 

'Mary Fowler (Matildas) likes writing poems and books in her spare time' Ted K 

'In the first Olympics only Men were allowed to compete and they had to compete with no clothes' Axton B 

'This is the third time the Olympics have been in France' Claire A 


Elissa Rodger            

Deb Holland         

Liza Alexander         

Kascha Blair         

Matt Absalom         



In Literacy we have continued to work on our oral presentations, the students have done a fantastic job gathering and presenting their information on an Olympic Sport. We have been working on fractions in Numeracy and have almost completed the unit, we will be starting decimals next. 


In Religion our theme for the term is ‘Integrity’. We have looked at how people show integrity, including Vincent Lingiari and some special figures from the Gospel of Luke. 


The Grade 6’s have continued their Potato Olympics in Inquiry, competing with their potato athletes in multiple events which has been lots of fun! 


Winter sports will continue next Friday. We had lots of fun during the first round playing football, netball, soccer and teeball and can’t wait for the next one! 


Students in Grade 6 participated in Write A Book In A Day, 10 students worked together to plan, draft, illustrate and publish a book that will be entered into a competition. Thanks to the teachers that have assisted the students with this, it sounds like a great day was had by all!


A reminder that Friday is a pupil free day, no students are to come to school. The teachers will be participating in a professional development day. 


Have a great long weekend!

By Spencer Pietsch


Jade LoRicco               

Rachel Downard       

Leah Martin                 

Dan Cannon               

Maegen Potter