Dear Parents,
This week we have been celebrating Education Week. This year’s theme is: Proud to belong. Public Education Week is a time for all of us to feel “proud to belong”, sharing our pride in being part of NSW public education and the achievements of our students and staff. Thank you to everyone who attended our school concert last week where we showcased the amazing talents of our staff and students.
In other good news, Mrs White is very excited to be returning next week. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Lee for relieving as Deputy Principal during Mrs White's absence and the executive and staff for their support and continued dedication to the students of Bathurst Public School.
Term 3 SRC Representatives
Congratulations to our new SRC representatives for Term 3:
Support - Casey Stanmore and Bridget Maher
2I - Ruby Solomon
2S - James Hollier
2/3F - Henry Callan
3/4B - Adeline Hunter
3/4S - Ava Bartholomew
3/4W - Will Skein
4/5D - Grace Moulds
5/6A - Evie Lovegrove
5/6B - Aayansh Dahal
5/6L - Billie Lindsay
5/6T - Nick Rice
Parent/Teacher Interviews have been organised for this term. These meetings will focus on children's academic achievement, learning and wellbeing.
The parent portal has been set up and will open at 4:00 pm this afternoon. Interviews can be booked until the day before the scheduled interview date. If parents cannot attend a face-to-face interview, teachers will contact them by phone.
Interview Dates for the calendar;
- Wednesday 14th August and Thursday 15th August - Support Class Parent Teacher Interviews (these have already been booked so will not appear on the portal)
- Thursday 29th August - KD Interviews in the George Street building
- Tuesday 3rd September - Stage 1 Interviews (1G, 1C, 2I, 2S)
- Wednesday 4th September - Kindergarten Parent Teacher Interviews (KM, and K/1K)
- Thursday 5th September - Stage 3 Interviews (5/6A, 5/6L, 5/6T and 5/6B)
- Friday 6th September - Stage 2 Parent Teacher Interviews (4/5D, 3/4W, 3/4S, 3/4B and 2/3F)
We are already at the time of the year when we are starting to plan for the upcoming school year. To assist us in making these decisions, we would like to ensure that we are aware of any Kindergarten students who will be commencing school in 2025. If you have yet to enrol your kindergarten student or know of a family within our school zone who has yet to enrol their child, please come in and enrol as soon as possible. Also, if you plan on relocating from Bathurst, could you let us know so this can be included in our plans?
We believe student learning, wellbeing and success are best when working together. Please do not hesitate to contact the school to discuss any concerns you may have.
Sharon Cafe
Relieving Principal