Kids Corner

The “Kids’ Corner” section of our school newsletter provides the opportunity for the children to showcase their talents or communicate something special. 


This fortnight, Sakthi - Year 4, has written a piece about The Magical Unicorn and Sophie (Year 3) is working exceptionally hard to develop her English skills. I hope you enjoy their learning just as much as I did! Well done Sakthi and Sophie and keep up the amazing attitude towards your learning. 


The magical unicorn - by Sakthi.


Crash, bang, smash!…Those noises you heard before was Poppy the magical unicorn she loves playing with her best friend Puffy. Puffy is also a magical unicorn like Poppy. Poppy and Puffy have been friends since they were born but sadly not today! Poppy was going to Puffy’ s house and discoverers that Puffy is sick today! Poppy hurried back into her house. She searched through her book called: How to cure a sick unicorn. 


Poppy flipped through the pages and found that to make a unicorn’s cold better you have to go to the top of snowy mountain and get the silver star. “Oh no aren’t the hunters hunting at this time of the year, I think I should be quiet at all times. Crrreeeeekkk! Oops my bad I hope no one heard me.” “Okay I’m out let’s hope they don’t see me!’ 


Poppy flew over the hunters and flew to snowy mountains, but you’re not allowed to fly up to snowy mountains because the wind is too strong! “I guess I’ll just walk up. “Poppy was climbing up, 2 hours later Poppy was so tired she couldn’t walk up anymore because she needed a break from climbing. So, she hooked her hooves onto a little ledge she pounce into the air and dropped all the way down to the ground 6 hours later she had finally reached to the top and at the top was a shiny silver…star! 


Poppy noticed that there was a something close to her she followed its shadow at the end of it she looked up and it was a …lift! And that’s all she needed to go up and down. Poppy went down the lift while she was going down she dropped, and she started snoring like a sloth. When Poppy was back down she was so happy! When Poppy was going to Puffy’ s house she forgot all about the hunters.


Poppy was shocked when a hunter grabbed her by the tail she tugged her tail hard at the corner of her eye she saw Puffy and then they blasted into the sky and Poppy gave Puffy the silver star they looked down and saw the hunter in his own trap the two girls laughed until they were both home!


The end




The world is full of words – by Sophie.


  • Climax – the most exciting part. What is the most exciting part of the story?
  • Drinking lemonade on a sunny day.
  • Meeting friends in the park to joke and play.
  • Swimming in the bright blue shimmering sea.
  • Splish, splash, splosh happy as can be.
  • Toasting marshmallows on an open fire.
  • Ice skating on a cold crisp winter day.
  • Running and jumping through summer hay.
  • Biking around your neighbourhood.
  • Helping others so they feel good. 
  • Hiking up a hill in the country.
  • Admiring the view from far away.
  • Dancing to music, tapping your feet, a smile on your face as you move to the beat!