March 8 - International Women's Day

The International Women's Day theme this year was INSPIRE INCLUSION. Activities happened around the school to promote this theme, in classes and in the library. 


The Clontarf academy served breakfast for female staff before school which was a wonderful start to the day. It was great to see the Clontarf staff and students happily cooking and serving staff. They’re absolute MasterChef's. 

Melville High School hosted an IWD event at the Dunghutti Elders Council. Kempsey High was invited to participate in the day, as well as families and local community agencies. A group of staff and students attended this event and experienced special speakers, activities, workshops and had some delicious food. 

Everyone that attended had a great day and thank you to Melville High School for hosting us. Thank you also to the NASCA academy that helped with the planning and implementation of this day.