A message from     

 the Principal

Students have started 2024 well & as we make our way through Term 1, please remind your child about our two expectations of at KHS: 


1.Respect - this is a non-negotiable expectation at KHS. I expect this from everyone - from students to staff, from students to students, from staff to students, from staff to staff & most importantly, from each student to themselves.                                                                                                                                                           

2. Do your best at all times: each KHS student is ultimately the person who is in control of their education - KHS will provide each student with the teaching skill, support & facilities to succeed in their education. Each student alone however will determine whether or not they take up this great opportunity – please remind your child that they will get out of their education what they put into it.


2024 will see a great deal of infrastructure work coming to fruition at KHS & we hope to have parents & carers in the school towards the end of the year when the majority of the work will be complete so that you can see the great facilities that KHS has. 


Raising a teenager is tough work! I encourage all parents to visit https://raisingchildren.net.au/teens & subscribe to their newsletters. This website provides ad-free parenting videos, articles and apps backed by Australian experts.


Please enjoy your upcoming Easter break.





Simon McKinney

Executive Principal