Catholic Identity

Easter School Prayer


Thank you to Kindergarten for leading the whole school in Easter Morning Prayer today (Thursday 4 April).  Prayer focused on the joy and hope of the Easter season. Easter is a time of new beginnings with Christ as our light. On Easter Sunday, Christians celebrated the day Jesus was resurrected – the day he rose from the dead.


As a school community, we are all challenged to continue Jesus’ mission of LOVE and outreach to the poor and needy in our community and in the world today? We wish all within our school community Peace and Joy throughout the Easter Season.



Whole School Liturgy - Cosmic Walk Mosaic Launch


(An Invitation to Contemplate the Story of the Birth of the Cosmos to the Present Day)


Next Thursday 11 April 2024 (week 11) the school community will gather to launch the Cosmic Mosaic during a liturgy in the Church at 9:30am. All are warmly invited to join the staff and students at this celebration.

Year 5 - Religious Education 

Throughout the season of Lent, Year 5 have explored the Catholic Social Teachings, linking these with our own lives, Jesus’ life and our work for Project Compassion. Students enthusiastically created a visual representation of one or more of the Catholic Social Teachings. These are: 


Preferential Option for the Poor

We live in an amazing world with enough resources for everyone. Yet, many miss out.


Human Dignity

We are made in God’s image. This means we each have a God-given dignity.


Care for our Common Home

We are responsible for looking after the world we live in.


Subsidiarity and Participation

The role of people in positions of power is to look after the good of all.


The Common Good

We can only live life in all its fullness when we are in relationship with others – through community.



We should commit ourselves wholeheartedly to the good of all, to stand in solidarity with our one human family.


Can you guess which Catholic Social Teaching is being represented in these illustrations? 

2024 Sacramental Dates

2024 Yr 6 Confirmation and Yr 3 First Holy Communion Parent Sacramental Prayer Evening will be held in the Church with Fr Patrick on Wednesday 22 May at 6pm. This Prayer Evening is  for the parents of students who are making the sacraments this year in the Bulli Parish (not students).


2024 St Joseph's Bulli Sacramental dates for Confirmation are:

  • Term 2 Week 8 Tuesday 18 June and Wednesday 19 June at 7pm.

Enrolment forms will be available in the coming weeks.


2024 St Joseph's Bulli Sacramental dates for First Holy Communion are:

  • Term 3 Week 7  - Sunday 8 September at 8:30am and 5:30pm
  • Term 3 Week 9  - Sunday 22 September at 8:30am and 5:30pm

Online booking and enrolment forms will be available at the parent prayer evening.


Year 2 First Reconciliation (Term 4) will be communicated once finalised with Fr Patrick.