Executive Principal

Video Transcript:

Hello everyone and welcome to this fortnight's addition of our school newsletter. As we role into the end of this term, I would like to thank you for your support of our school, our staff and most importantly your young people to have them here everyday engaged in learning. Last weekend i spent a little damp, wet, rainy and overcast weekend on the gold coast at Coolangatta, cheering on our elite volleyball program students who were playing their best and winning metals at the Australian Beach Volleyballs Cup. It was great to see teams that were forming and storming very early on last year come together and make a difference together on the beach over the weekend. Congratulations to them and all of their coaches. Shout out to all of our staff who volunteer to give up their time, to spend their weekend on the beach with our students, without them, these programs wouldn't be possible. 


Last week i had the joy and the privilege of meeting up with some of our young people and spending some quality time around academic coaching. Some of the Year 12 students are meeting up with members of the school leadership team to talk about the nuances of their pathways and how they can maximise the best out of their learning between now and when they graduate, to achieve the best possible ATAR result for them. Also i had the privilege of meeting up with some of my Year 7 students, in the Honours program,  who I mentor as well and I look forward to spending some positive time with them in helping them set some goals and achieve their plans for this year.  In closing I would like to wish everyone a very happy easter break, I hope you get to spend some quality time with your families and those you most love over this school break. I look forward to seeing everyone Day 1 of Term 2 after this great break. Thanks everyone, bye.


The Gap Experience

Date: Thursday 18 April 2024

Time: 3:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Location: The Gap State High School

If you would like to volunteer please complete the below permission form and return to Mrs Rowe at TALI@thegapshs.eq.edu.au.