What's Happening at CHPS

PE News

A ‘wheelie’ great day

Wow! What an amazing turn out we had for National Ride2School Day last Friday. It was a lovely morning to be outdoors and active. Thank you for supporting active travel and helping to encourage healthy habits for our future. We had about 380 students participate in this wonderful event. 


Down ball Australia Tournament:

Well done to students who participated in our lunch time tournament last Friday. Students had lots of fun challenging their skills in 'free play' and then competing in 'elimination' rounds. 

Congratulations to our winners:

Year 2 & 3 winner - Riley 3JR

Year 4 winner - Lucas 4DT

Year 5 & 6 winner - Alex 6LD

A big thank you to our coaches and umpires Cooper, Matilda and Lucy from Down Ball Australia for coming out and running the tournament. If your child is interested in competing in a Down ball competition outside of school, please see the flyer on our 'community page' for further information. 

Term 2:

3-6 House Cross Country: 

The middle and senior house cross country is coming up early Term 2.

Date: Monday 22nd April (week 2)

Time: 9:15 - 11:30am

Dress code: House Colours, runners & spare socks


10 years and under (2km run around CHPS and Yarrunga)

11, 12 and 13 years (3km run around CHPS and Yarrunga)


*please note: students run in the age group according to the age they have turned OR will be turning this year


Event Schedule: guide only

Age Group 




Race time 


12/13 Boys 3000m 9:20am 
12/13 Girls 3000m 9:40am 
11-year Boys 3000m 10:00am 
11-year Girls 3000m 10:20am 
10 & under Boys 2000m 10:40am 
10 & under Girls 2000m 11:00am 

Students will have exposure to the course in their PE lesson prior to the event.

Students who finish in the top 10 - 14 will be nominated to join our training squad in preparation for District Cross Country. 


Parent Helpers: In order for this event to occur, we require the assistance of parents/carers with a working with children's check to assist for the morning. If you are available and would like to help out, please email laura.yorke@education.vic.gov.au

We greatly appreciate your support. Duties can include, standing on a check point and directing students the correct way, handing out finishing tags, lining up students in place order for the results table, handing out ribbons etc. 


It is expected that all students in years 3-6 participate in this event as it is part of the CHPS PE program. There is no cost for this event. 

A compass event will be created for families to consent too. Please see the course map if you would like to train over the school holidays. Happy running!!


Laure Yorke & Jarrod Butcher - PE

Sick Bay

We have had a number of cases of Gastro in the school.  If your child has any symptoms, please ensure they are kept home from school and not returned until a minimum of 24 hours after the last symptom has cleared.


From Sophie & Nicole