Performing Arts

What a great term! Following the Orientation Day for Clubs we welcomed new members into Marian Choir United and Play Ukelele. And as the term draws to a close, some brave Year 7 instrumental students, having learned their first notes and scales, have joined Concert Band. Creative Music students are preparing pieces for next term's concert already, and the Matilda cast have had their first rehearsals and learned the big opening number!
Speaking of Matilda the Musical - here is a word from our Director, Ms Mhairi Shepherd:
What a great way start to our Matilda journey! The audition process revealed so much talent and enthusiasm among our students, and we are so excited to announce our cast!!
Stay tuned for Term rehearsal dates!
Drama excursion Term 1
Students in VCE Theatre Studies and the On-Stage elective are currently creating written responses to the professional production of Wicked the Musical. This musical is on the VCE playlist as one of the prescribed productions to study. Not only was this an amazing learning opportunity, many memories and lots of fun was had by all on this excursion. Since then, the On-Stage class has also re-created scenes from the Tony Award-winning script. VCE students are analysing the design, directing and acting.
Please enjoy reading some of the Year 9/10s thoughts about the event.
“Thrilling!” “Extraordinary!” “Breathtaking!” “Astonishing!”
On Wednesday the 13th of March, our On The Stage 9/10 elective had the honour of going to the Regent Theatre to watch Wicked - The Musical, and meet some of the cast and crew in a Q&A afterwards.
This was an amazing experience witnessing the show live “On the stage”.
We saw captivating visual effects and elaborate costume designs whilst being entertained by an enthralling storyline. Two of our favourite scenes included Elphaba ‘Defying Gravity’ and the ‘Popular’ song.
Written by the On-Stage Theatre Class