Student Wellbeing

As we approach the end of Term 1 we may well say – how time flies as so much seems to have happened in what is a very short term given that we have the Kildare Ministries Conference in the last week of term.
With a very comprehensive transition program for our Year 7’s and the step-up program at the end of 2023 for our students from Years 8 to 12 we have really been able to hit the ground running in February and now as we enter the last week of term 1 we have so much to celebrate….
Firstly, we celebrate Student Leadership…
Investiture Assembly
On Tuesday 5th March as part of Ms Romano’s Commissioning Ceremony we also celebrated those students who have put their hand up and been elected into a leadership position in 2024.
The assembly acknowledged those students who have taken on one of the following roles:
- Lamp Bearers – Leanne Paul and Sienna Galea
- Student Representative Council – students from Years 7-12
- Student Participation Group – students from Years 7-12
- House Captains for our four Houses – Clonard, Iona, Tara and Kildare with students from Years 7-12
- Students who have taken on a Social Justice Leadership role such as the Justice and Democracy Forum, St Vincent de Paul Chapter, Liturgy team and Marian Leo’s.
All of those students will now begin the work of helping to make Marian a better place in 2024 and will give all students a voice over the course of the year.
In this edition of the Marian, we will recognise all of those students who were acknowledged at the Investiture Assembly.
Uniform Reminders
As we approach the end of Term 1 and the beginning of Term 2 and the colder part of the year, we remind all students that we are now wear our winter uniform and the following expectations are part of the process.
Students should wear either the school skirt or the school pants.
Students are able to wear either blue tights or long white socks with their winter skirt.
Students can also take up either the option of wearing the school pants or winter skirt need to wear an emblemed shirt as well.
No hoodies are part of the uniform – not under the PE uniform on the days they have PE. This also includes long sleeve t-shirts etc. under the polo top as well.
PE uniform should only be worn on the days we have PE classes and should not be worn if you are not studying PE.
We remind all families that all of the uniform needs to organised and ready for the beginning of Term 2 on Monday 15th April. Noone, our uniform supplier will have their shop opened at school during the holidays on both Wednesday and Friday (excluding Public Holidays such as Good Friday) and families may also attend the store in Hoppers Crossing for their uniform.
We have had some ongoing challenges over the term, which have included:
- Students still having false eyelashes and false nails
- Hair colours that do not align with the uniform policy
- The wearing of short socks
- Some students have grown and their dresses are now a little shorter than the previous year
We thank families who have worked hard to have all of the uniform pieces necessary for their child and we encourage any family who may need support in this area to contact the school and ask to speak to either Lisa Carnovale or myself.
Wellbeing Update
We have introduced in Term 1 again – the use of PULSE a program that allows all students a 60-second check in each week to see how they are feeling and tracking over the course of the year.
Homeroom teachers and Community Leaders monitor this data closely to see if any students raise any concerns that they need to follow up. In later editions of the Marian News, we will give families an insight into what the data is telling us about the community and their wellbeing.
Process for Interactions within the Community
At different times over the course of the year with over 950 members of our community, we sometimes have negative interactions between members of the community.
With this in mind if a negative interaction occurs we follow a similar process for these interactions:
- We usually ask each student involved to identify their version of the interaction
- Students are given time out so as follow up with those involved can occur that may include other members of the community.
- Families are involved in the re-entry process to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that the expectations of all members of the community are revisited and restated for all concerned.
- Situations are then monitored to ensure that it has been resolved for all parties involved.
If any families have questions in relation to this process please direct them to either Jennifer Stafford – Director of Students, the Community Leaders or myself on either Direct Message on the school phone numbers.
Attendance Reminders
Can we remind all families of the importance of school attendance for all of our students and the impact that absences can have on both the academic and social and emotional progress of all young people.
In this edition of the Marian, we will include the information in regards to Every Day Counts and the impact that absences can have on student progress.
As part of our continual monitoring of student attendance and absence, we remind all of our families of the importance of informing us of student absence so it can be recorded on our Learning Management system.
We have a dedicated phone line to leave messages to record student absence and once roll call has been taken in the morning, the office will begin to call to verify all student absences that have not been confirmed via the phone system or email. The expectation of explaining student absence is a government expectation.
Students that have five unexplained absences and have not responded to the absence follow up letters distributed by homeroom teachers, will then receive a letter from the College asking to explain the absences.
Sadly, those students who have continual absences will need to be followed up with parent meetings that will involve looking at ways the school can support the family in getting their child to school.
We know that every day counts in terms of student learning and their ability to meet the benchmarks for them in their growth as a learner.
Child Safeguarding Presentations to our Students in Term 1
During Term 1 we have presented to the junior, middle and senior years about our Child Safety Policy – Student Friendly version and the importance of the students being aware of the ways in which we as a community work to keep all of them safe both when they are at school and when they are at home.
We will continue to work with our staff as well to ensure that they understand their responsibility and all staff are presently completing their Mandatory Reporting Module which is an expectation from the Government each year as part of our obligations as a teacher in a Victorian school.
Child Protection Parent Committee
Part of the process of child protection also includes having parent voice and if we have any parents who are interested in joining the committee and have some time to join other parents in understanding and having and input into our Child Safety processes please contact myself either via SEQTA messages or give me a call at school.
Vaping Concerns
We have been reminded by the Community Police of the growing concern in the community in relation to young people and VAPING. We have placed vape/smoke detectors in each of our toilets and we remind all of our students and families that we view vaping in the same way we have seen traditional smoking. This also means that if students are identified at places such as bus stops in the morning or evening in uniform then they will be held accountable for these actions in relation to our school expectations.
School Buses
For 2024, we have 7 bus services that are being provided to our students exclusively. At the beginning of the school year, a meeting was held for all of these students to make them aware of the expectations in relation to their behaviour and use of the service.
We will continue to monitor the behaviour of our students on these buses, as our priority is to ensure that these services provide a safe service for all members of our community.
Wellbeing Message
As we approach, the end of Term 1 and daylight savings ends and we start to enter the colder and darker winter months we need to remind everyone about the importance of resting and rejuvenating over the term holidays to ensure when we return for Term 2 that we are ready to continue our learning journey and growth in 2023.
May Easter be a reminder for us all about the importance of the LIGHT that the resurrection offers all of us for growth even when the world around us seems darker than it should….
Kerrie Williams
Assistant to the Principal – Student Wellbeing