Meet a student

10 minutes with…
Victoria Messina
Student Leader
Tell us a little about your life outside of school? Eg. Family, hobbies. Passions
As I believe family is a very important factor in my life, seeking advice and comfort from them I believe has helped me as an individual to grow and flourish into the young adult I am today. While they have gained more life experience than I, their advice I find helps tremendously in the long run. While I believe individuals should maintain a good balance with their school life and their social life, a hobby I quite enjoy is calisthenics. As I believe this allows me to take a break between studying and to enjoy time spent with those in my calisthenics team.
What do you like most about being a student at Marian College?
Being a Marian student has allowed me the opportunity to meet new people and gain important life skills. As the leadership role of student representative council has allowed me to collaborate with individuals from all over Australia. While going on the Kildare ministries spiritual retreat, I had formed bonds with individuals from other schools in which obtain similar values to us. As our school as a collective particularly values strength and kindness, I believe these values are essential in obtaining an open-minded learning environment for all students.
Who inspires you & why?
My Dad inspires me every day. While he has been a chef for 25 years it is a very busy and challenging job to work in hospitality, as the hours may go till very late nights and it isn’t a job you necessarily leave at work once you get home. Over the years I have seen my Dad continue to strive for nothing but excellence, in which has shown me how much I can do as those around me provide nothing but support and motivation.
What are the biggest challenges facing teenage girls today?
I would say the biggest challenges facing teenage girls today would be balancing their school life with their family/social life. As hard work includes putting in multiple hours of study each night, sometime this may mean missing out on watching a movie with your family in the lounge room or hanging out with your friends after school.
What advice would you give to students at Marian College?
Although studying and completing homework is important, make sure to take breaks!! Within these study breaks you can go spend time with your family or talk to your friends.
How you live out the core value of hope?
As life will throw obstacles at you, remember there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. I find myself stressing when it comes to SACS, although I know I studied and have completed the set work. I realise that believing in myself gives me hope that I will do well in my studies, and there is really no reason to stress.
Favourite food & drink?
I find my favourite food to eat in the morning is a bagel with scrambled eggs and shredded cheese on top, this is then paired with a chocolate up and go!
Favourite holiday destination?
I have always wanted to travel to Italy! As my Dad’s side of the family is from there, I would particularly like to visit the city of Messina in Sicily.
Favourite TV show, Movie, Book?
As I am a big fan of music, I absolutely adore all three of the Pitch Perfects movies.
What are your hopes & dreams for the future?
For the future I wish to peruse my dream career in becoming a physiotherapist. Hopefully when I have gained enough experience, I am able to travel and become a physiotherapist for sports teams everywhere, particularly working with the western bulldogs in the AFL.