Grade 1 and 2

Welcome Back!

We have loved the start to this Term with so many wonderful experiences already. We had an amazing day at Cross Country, Anzac Assembly and lots more things inside the classrooms.


Cross Country

Cross Country day was an exciting one with our Grade Ones running for the first time without their Buddies and they did so well! Every child tried their best and it was so wonderful to see the joy on their faces as they crossed the finish line. Grade Two students had the challenge of a longer track this year and with the practice that we have been doing at school, were able to achieve this goal albeit a little puffed out and tired but overall so happy and proud.




On Wednesday 24th of April, We were privileged to experience the Anzac Day Assembly. It was an enriching morning where we learnt about the history of the day and the enormous sacrifice it was for not only the soldiers that went to war, but the families left behind. We listened to poems, songs and speeches which were all engaging and informative. Two of our students, Maggie and Oliver, represented the Prep, Grade One and Grade Two levels, by laying a wreath that had been made by all of the students in their Art classes. 



For CBL this term, we have started our learning about 'Country'. We have been considering what the term, 'Country' means and how we connect to Country in our own ways. Through a variety of experiences, students have been encouraged to think deeply about significant places around Australia, looking at how we connect and how First Nations People connect and celebrate them. We are looking forward to finding out more about how 'Country' is significant to First Nations People. Below is an example of the work we have been doing. We compared two maps of Australia, one showing the states and capitals, with the other showing the Indigenous Map of Australia. Students found this a fascinating exercise to locate familiar places and look at which Indigenous people group call that area 'Country'.

We encourage you to discuss with your student some of the amazing aspects of 'Country' that we have been learning about in CBL.