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Term 2 is in Prep is always jam packed full of new learning, discoveries and lots of fun! Keep your eye on this page to see what we are getting up to!


Cross Country

The first Cross Country of school is always an exciting one! Preps run with their Grade 6 buddies and it is a highlight of the day. Our Cross Country run on Monday 22nd April was no exception! The Grade 6s guided their buddies around the track with their Prep buddies running eagerly beside them (or sometimes, it was the other way around!) All our Preps put in their best effort and should be so proud of themselves. 



On Wednesday 24th of April, Preps took part in their first ANZAC Day assembly. They listened so respectfully to the speakers and we hope they learned something new about this important day. 


Performing Arts Club 

Last Thursday, the Preps were beyond excited to attend their first Performing Arts club during lunch time. The club was lead by two of our fabulous Performing Arts captains, Harper and Maple, and helped by Mischa (under the watchful eye of Tim!) The students played games like Musical Statues and even boogied away during the lunchtime disco. Such fun!



For CBL this term, we have started our learning about 'Country'. To kickstart our thinking, we watched a Proposal movie and drew the Wonderings we have about this Big Idea (see pictures below). We are learning about the layers of Wurundjeri Country by going on nature walks in our beautiful Wonga Park environment and observing what we can see.