
Visual Arts
Art Club
This week the Art Captains launched 'Art Club'. Grades 3-6 students are invited into the art room at lunchtime on Tuesdays this term.
The captains did a fabulous job making posters and advertising it to each class. Then they planned and prepared for the half hour session, providing instructions, demonstrations, support and clean up. Lots of wonderful opportunities for them to develop their leadership, teamwork and organisational skills. Here are some photos of the 'paint blowing' exploration they designed for the 24 students.
Preps have enjoyed working with clay for the first time, and their pinch pots are beautiful! Lots of colour, pattern and hand building techniques have gone into these precious gifts for Mothers Day.
They also had fun exploring different types of lines and made a line sculpture hat this week.
Grade 1 and 2
Students have been working so hard to complete their paper mache bunnies. They are yet to add facial features and a fluffy to tail to complete the project.
Grade 3 and 4
Students have spent the past few weeks remembering the Anzacs and creating these 'Lest We Forget' artworks. Their careful painting of the negative space around the letters has resulted in a striking piece to hang in the artroom.
Grade 5
Students have enjoyed making a coil mug out of clay as a Mother's Day gift. They learnt a new technique when glazing - after two base coats, they chose a contrasting colour to 'splatter' on top using a toothbrush (inside a paper bag for cleanliness!). Here are some photos of the work in progress and some finished pieces.
Grade 6
Students completed their first clay project for the year, a rockpool. They used two shades of clay and added 'pooling glaze' into the centre to make it look like water.
Whole School Cross Country
On Monday 22nd April, students from Prep-Level 6 enjoyed participating in our annual Whole School Cross Country fun run. It was a tremendous day with many highlights. The day began with the Prep/Grade 6 Buddy Race, which had plenty of thrills and spills. Many happy memories were created!
We would like to congratulate all students who participated and gave their personal best effort, regardless of where they finished. We loved seeing students giving 100% all the way to the finish. Students who finished in the top 10 from levels 4-6 have been invited to run in the Ringwood District Cross Country event, which is on Tuesday 14th May. Parents of these students will have already received an email, and will receive a payment/permission prompt on Sentral shortly.
A massive thankyou to all of our parent volunteers who assisted during the leadup to the day and on the day itself. We had tremendous support from our parent community, with volunteers assisting as course marshals, lap markers and at the scoring table. We would like to make special mention of Kate Porter and the team of Grade 4 (and 5) parents who worked tirelessly to purchase, cook and administer the delicious lunch packs.
Winter Interschool Sports
On Friday 3rd May, Grade 5 and 6 students will commence the Winter Season for Interschool Sports, which will run for 7 rounds throughout Term 2. Children have now been placed into teams and have had a training session here at school. This program is a wonderful opportunity for all students to try new sports, make new friends and enjoy an active finish to the school week. Matches run each Friday from 1:00-3:00pm.
We would like to thank the many parents who have already volunteered to assist as a helper with their child's team. If you would like to assist, but haven't let us know, please contact Mr. Holland to let him know.
Easter Metropolitan Region Tennis Championships
On Tuesday 30th April, Mischa and Nicholas from Grade 6 are competing in the EMR (Regional) Tennis Championships. This is an impressive achievement, as they have already passed through the district and division levels to make it to this day.
We are super proud of them for getting to this level and can't wait to hear how they go. We know they will represent our school well. A special thankyou to their families for supporting them to be at this event.
Performing Arts
Performing Arts has been full of activity over the first few weeks of Term Two!
In our classes, students have explored music and drama related to ANZAC Day and our CBL Big Idea of 'Country'. Students in P-2 have also been exploring elements of music, building their understanding on rhythm and pitch. Students in 3-4 have been learning about acting, developing characters through voice and movement. Our Grade 5-6 students have been learning about puppetry, creating their own puppets from paper and working together to bring them to life.
ANZAC Day Ceremony
Our students had the chance to listen and learn about the significance of music during ANZAC Day. Our whole school sang an ANZAC version of 'I am Australian' during our ANZAC Service and our senior choir performed two songs; 'Lest We Forget' and 'My Island Home'. Another highlight of our service was having two of our students, Caleb and Violet, showcase their talent on the flute, accompanying the choir in a song and also playing during the wreath laying.
Warrandyte Festival
The senior choir had their first performance for the year at the Warrandyte Festival on Saturday the 20th of April. We had around 30 students from Grade Three to Six take part in the performance. Congratulations to all the students who took part who sang 4 songs with excellent commitment and musicianship. The students loved being part of this community event, where other local schools, bands and performance groups took to the stage.
Performing Arts Club
Our Performing Arts Captains are running the 'Shine Bright' club again on Thursday lunchtimes. This term they are running the club for 3/4 students in even weeks and Prep students in odd weeks.