Grade 5 and 6

What's Happening?

Welcome back to term 2!  This term our CBL focus in on 'Country' with our students already engaging in a variety of Indigenous texts and focusing on activities to enhance our learning of the importance of understanding our connection to Country.


Cross Country

All of our Grade 5 & 6 students put in their best effort and should be so proud of themselves. Wonga Park certainly turned on the weather for our whole school cross country day! A frosty start to the day quickly turned to brilliant sunshine, lots of fun, community and school spirit. It was a fabulous display of our school values watching students, staff and parents encouraging all of our runners to have a go, have fun and to do their best. The buddy race was the highlight of the day for the Grade sixes! The Preps and their Grade 6 buddies were super excited to run with each other. The Grade 6s guided their buddies around the track, with their Prep buddies running eagerly beside them. 

A wonderful time, with some very tired people at the end of the day! Some very excited young runners celebrated their successes and began planning for the next phase at District.



On Wednesday 24th of April, our students took part in an emotional ANZAC Day ceremony. The music, songs, digital images and our esteemed speaker truly captured to message of the ANZACs and we have no doubt all students took away new learnings and respect for those who have served in the forces to protect our land.


Interschool Sport

A new season of interschool sport begins, with new sports to try out and new teams to connect with. It never fails to impress us how well our students lead, connect and celebrate together. The captains have taken on the role of training, instructing, guiding and coaching their teams, while team members have been working together, supporting and encouraging each other. We wish them a successful season of sport.



For CBL this term, we have started our learning about 'Country'. To kickstart our thinking, we watched a Proposal movie and drew the Wonderings we have about this Big Idea. We are learning about the Wurundjeri people, their culture and their connection to Country. By immersing our learning in and around Clifford Park, close the Birrarung and home to Simon Wonga, we hope to allow students to build an authentic understanding of the Aboriginal peoples' connection to Country.