School News 

Boorna Waanginy

 The Trees Speak

 Kings Park  6th - 9th October 2023


Our Year 4 students along with many hundred students across Perth have contributed their woven artwork for this extraordinary storytelling through light projection at Kings Park.              

Our students were asked to make eggs, nests, or seed pods out of milk bottle strips to symbolise new life in the “Kambarang” Noongar season (second spring) which falls in October and November. While it was a challenge all students persevered and completed their tasks. We are delighted that their work will be included in this fabulous event.


This is a free event at Kings Park on the dates stated above. Make sure you take your family to experience this storytelling spectacle while connecting with the beautiful surroundings. 


"Grounded on Noongar Boodjar, this event is a fitting celebration of the wonders of Kambarang and presents intimate and lasting moments that reconnect visitors to the country." Culture and the Arts Minister David Templeman:

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Absences from School

A written explanation is required under the School Education Act for each and every absence from school.  Notes are kept on file by classroom teachers for perusal by District Attendance Officers.  Electronic notes are saved on the Department of Education school server. 

Parents/guardians may notify the school via the following methods to inform the school of any absences: