Catholic Identity

If there is one word that we should never tire of repeating, it is this: dialogue. We are called to promote a culture of dialogue by every possible means and thus to rebuild the fabric of society.’
Pope Francis- Address upon receiving the Charlemagne Prize, May 6, 2016
St. Mel's Parish Sacramental Program ~
Reconciliation meeting reminder, Adult Faith Development Evening – Reconciliation, Thursday, October 26 at 7.00pm.
Father Peter's Thanksgiving Mass & Farewell
This week is an opportunity for reflection, appreciation, and remembrance, as we honour the dedicated service and spiritual guidance that Fr. Peter has provided to our school & parish community. Let us remember and celebrate the many blessings that Fr. Peter has brought into our lives. We are grateful for the wisdom, guidance, and support he has shared with us throughout his time among us. Let us cherish these memories and hold them close to our hearts.
Fr Peter's Farewell & Thanksgiving School Mass & Parish Celebration
Please join us in celebrating & farewelling Fr Peter at our School Mass on Thursday 26th October at 10.30 am & at our Parish Picnic Celebration.
Month of the Rosary
The month of October each year is dedicated to the Holy Rosary. The liturgical feast of Our Lady of the Rosary is celebrated today, on October 7. The Rosary is a special prayer that Mary gave us to help us remember and meditate on the special events of Jesus' life.
Do you have Rosary beads or prayer beads at your house? Have they got a story or tradition behind them?
My Nan gave me my first pair of Rosary Beads when I was a child. The Rosary Beads in this photo though were given to me by a very good friend who got them from the Vatican in Rome & they have been blessed by the Pope.
Liturgical Calendar ~November
In our liturgical calendar, we look to the month of November. In the Catholic tradition, November is traditionally a month of remembrance of those who have died. The month begins with the Solemnity of All Saints on the 1st of November and the Commemoration of the All the Faithful Departed (All Souls’ Day), on 2 November.
November 1st, is All Saints Day. This day is dedicated to remembering those who have been canonised saints by the Church. Some discussions you might like to have as a family - Who are some saints you know? St. Mel, St. Patrick, Mary Mackillop, Mother Teresa. People are sometimes named after saints, do you know anyone? What qualities might a saint possess - faith and belief in God, love for fellow people and standing up for those who have no voice, compassion. How can we learn from saints, how can we follow in their footsteps? Who do we know that shows the qualities of a saint in your own life?
All Souls Day at St. Mel's Church ~ NOVEMBER Is a month to remember our loved ones, especially those who have died from our Parish over this past year. This year for all the Sunday Masses in November, and in the parish bulletin each week, we will have the names displayed of those who you wish to remember.
Envelopes (yellow) are available for you to write the names of those you would like remembered during NOVEMBER MASSES. Please place these in the collection plates, or return to the office through the slot next to the door. Names submitted will be included on the Church Screens every Sunday during November. It is intended the screens will move slowly so names can be read.
ALL SAINTS DAY MASSES - (Two will be offered) Wednesday, November 1st at 9:15am and 5:30pm.
ALL SOULS DAY MASS - (one Mass only) Thursday, November 2nd at 9:15am.
Danae Napier
Deputy Principal / Religious Education Leader.
St Mels Church Bulletin & other important information: