
VSMF Success
Following on from the outstanding result of Platinum for the Grazioso Chamber Choir at the Victorian Schools Music Festival, our concert bands similarly performed and received very pleasing outcomes. The Middle School Concert Band (made up of mainly Year 7s to Year 9s) competed in the ‘Junior Concert Band’ section and were awarded ‘Silver’. Our Senior Concert Band (primarily Year 10s to Year 12s) achieved a ‘Gold’ award.
This competition was attended by over school 300 bands across five different divisions, so the gradings are based upon musical criteria being demonstrated rather than purely competing against other schools. There is an added benefit to the students in that the adjudicator also workshops sections of the music immediately after the performance to provide vital and constructive feedback to further improve the musicality of the ensembles.
In addition, the students watch and listen to other school bands to be further inspired. Overall, our Victorian Schools Music Festival experience was wonderful, especially being the first time Huntingtower has participated in this event.
Middle School Concert Band
Senior Concert Band
Grazioso Chamber Choir (who won a 'Platinum' VSMF award in August)
Action photos of each ensemble at the VSMF are available for viewing and purchase at by entering the code: HTSVSMF
Spring Concert
Another successful Huntingtower concert transpired on Thursday 14 September in our magnificent Performing Arts Centre, with more than 250 students each participating in one or more of fourteen different ensembles. This showcase concert provides an engaging point of realisation and motivation for the weekly before and after school rehearsals.
The choirs presented in the first half of the concert, and after a quick interval while the stage was reset, our instrumental ensembles performed. The night culminated in a massed item of our Middle School and Senior School Choirs combining with the Huntingtower Symphony Orchestra in an amazing performance of Eleanor Rigby as arranged by the contemporary American artist Cody Fry. Our Music Captains proficiently acted as MC’s for the evening, and all of our Year 12 musicians were acknowledged with a limited edition ‘Musician of the Year’ coffee mug!
Congratulations to all performers and conductors on what was a fabulous night of music-making.
The Next European Music Tour!
Following on from the successful 2023 European Music Tour that took place last June/July, preliminary plans are currently being worked on to formulate a proposal for the next European Music Tour. Whilst it is a little early to confirm the location and costs involved, amongst performing at some very well-known European destinations we are looking at performing and/or competing in a significant European Youth Music Festival in April of 2025. This would be Subject to the required school approvals, we anticipate being able to share the destinations, logistics and selection criteria during Term 4 of this year, with the view to seeking expressions of interest later this year or early next year.
Historical HT Music Stands for Sale
If you would like to own a piece of Huntingtower Music history, and require a music stand for those practice sessions at home, the Music Centre is selling our oldest unused stands for a bargain $20 each. They are height adjustable for standing or seated positions and break down into 3 parts. They have HT stencilling on them, and are very solid. Imagine all the music they must have held up over the decades!
Please contact Jo at to have one set aside for collection.
Mr David Mowat
Head of Music