Student news & reviews

PBL Stars of the Week

Congratulations to the students who have recently received a PBL Star of the Week Award for great work and demonstrating our school values.


Awarded Friday 13th October


Prep Kelaart - Kiaan

Prep Cheong - Aashna, Zara

1 Rodrigues - Bonnie

1 Ebinger - Katerina

2 Quarrier - Oscar

2 Usai - Chloe, Isabella

3 Smith - Mishkaat

3 Nightingale - Zoe

4 Dempsey - Anvita, Charles

4 Hine -  Johnny, Rebecca

5/6 Latta - Jai, Niaamat

5/6 Scully - Oscar, Tweesha

5/6 Giakoumis - Aishaanya, Luna

5/6Dvorscek - Varun