School Council Report 

September 2023

School Council Report

We had our second School Council meeting for the term on Tuesday 15th of August.


During this meeting, we were given an update on the building works. Fortunately, there have been no major delays or setbacks with the builders advising that they currently anticipate having all works completed on time!  This is great news as we will be able to start the new year in the new building from day one.


The works done around the school grounds to keep our school safe and looking presentable is also to be noted. This, with the works being done in preparation for the next stage of building works, being the demolition of F wing has us well placed to deliver a positive environment for the school community.  We were also updated on the many plans and preparations for next years' staff resourcing arrangements.


Liesel Coulthard, our School Council President, reflected on the fact that although state schools offer free education, their operating costs are not entirely covered by government funding.  Schools are allowed to ask for voluntary contributions to help cover this gap.  Mullauna College still has over $100,000 in voluntary contributions that could be made for the 2023 year.


If you haven't made a voluntary contribution and do have the means, please consider contacting the School Office and making even a modest payment.  It could make all the difference for our children!


Our next meeting is on the 10th of October at the college.  Most of the School Council meetings are open to visitors.  Please get in touch with the School Office if you would like to arrange to attend.


Jacqui Pontefract

Vice President, School Council