Principals Message

A Vibrant Final Term of the Year
Dear Trafalgar Primary School Community,
We warmly welcome all students and families back from Term 4. We are off to a flying start with the Divisional Summer Sports for Grade 5/6 students and the Parents and Friends Trivia Night having already taken place. We are excited to announce a fantastic line up of events and activities that will make this term memorable for our students and their families.
Walk to School Competition: From October 21st to the 29th, our students will have the opportunity to participate in the Walk to School Competition. It's a great way to encourage physical activity and promote healthy habits.
Colour Run: Mark your calendars for October 27th when we'll be hosting our exciting Colour Run. Get ready to have a blast while making our school grounds even more colorful!
Student Free Day on Melbourne Cup Eve: Just a friendly reminder that the day before the Melbourne Cup is a student-free day.
Grade 2 Sleepover: Our Grade 2 students are in for a thrilling adventure with their upcoming sleepover. It's an opportunity for them to create lasting memories and strengthen friendships.
Instrumental Music Concert: The melodious sounds of our young musicians will fill the air at our upcoming Instrumental Music Concert.
Festival on the Lawn: To conclude the term on a high note, we have the much-anticipated Festival on the Lawn. It promises to be a day of celebration and enjoyment for our students and their families.
We're excited about the experiences and opportunities that this term will bring, and we look forward to sharing these moments with you. As always, please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or require further information.
Here's to a fantastic final term of 2023 at Trafalgar Primary School!
Welcome Mrs Harding
We also take the opportunity to remind the school Community that Mrs Harding will be working wit us for the first four weeks of Term 4. Information about the Principal Internship Program can be found in the last edition of the Newsletter.
Message from Mrs Harding (Visiting Principal)
I am thoroughly enjoying my time at TPS so far. I have been overwhelmed by the way the school community have supported my internship so far. The staff, families and students have all been friendly and welcoming. I am learning some important aspects of leadership from your principal and assistant principal who are kindly taking the time to explain, model and provide learning opportunities for me. The students at this school are lucky to have dedicated staff who provide them with great opportunities with their learning and extra-curricula activities. A highlight so far has been listening to all the talented musicians in the school practicing for the ‘Festival on the Lawn’.
Introducing the 2024 Leadership Team
We are well underway with our workforce planning for 2024 beginning with the recruitment of our leadership team for 2024. This team will be responsible for leading curriculum development and supporting teachers to continue to improve their teaching practice over the course of our next Strategic Plan (2024-2027).
While schools across the State are experiencing significant shortage we are pleased to be fully staffed for 2024. Congratulations to the following staff on their appointment.
Megan Bartrop
Meaghan is a dedicated staff member at TPS who will continue in the role of Learning Specialist. She is a fast implementer of newly learned skills/content in the classroom. Meaghan brings to the role knowledge of the practices we use at the school and skills needed to lead a team. She builds strong relationships within the school community, including staff, students and families, and the wider community with Kinder transitions. We are excited for Meaghan to be able to continue to work with us at TPS.
Megan Waters
Megan is a wonderful team member at TPS. She is an experienced classroom teacher who builds strong relationships with her students, staff, teaching team and families. Megan is dedicated and passionate about education. She has experience in coaching and leading teams and we are excited for her to continue this work.
Kay Baughurst
Kay is currently a Year 6 teacher at St. Pauls in Warragul. She comes with a lot of experience working in the primary school setting and in leading positive change. Kay is passionate about teaching and has knowledge and strong beliefs in the practices that support all students to learn. We are excited to have Kay as part of the TPS community.
Claire Oldham
Claire is also a Year 6 teacher at St. Pauls in Warragul. She has many leadership qualities that will be valuable to our school. Claire has expert knowledge in many areas of education, and is skilled at leading professional learning and building teacher knowledge, having presented at many educational forums here in Victoria and Queensland. We are looking forward to Claire being part of the TPS community.
Students and their families will be informed about who their 2024 classroom teachers will be on State Wide Transition Day which is to be held on the 12th December.