Humanities News

2023 Market Day Success!
During the lunchtime of Tuesday 5 September, the Business Management Units 1 & 2 classes had their market day in the courtyard, ready to demonstrate the work they had invested into their businesses the past term. This included a variety of handmade products to food ready-made to order.
The classes have been using their knowledge from throughout the year to plan and execute their businesses. This included brainstorming a brand, sending forms, and collating data, creating social media campaigns, hanging advertisements throughout the school, and applying all the business theory learnt to maximise sales on the day. Students selected a charity to receive all their profits and began working on this assessment at the start of Term 3.
As soon as Tuesday's period 4 arrived, all groups gathered to begin setting up their stalls in the courtyard. Some groups continued to prepare their fresh food orders in the Food Technology rooms from the day prior or the day of, whilst others stayed outside trying to battle against the wind during set up. Certain groups opted for shaded covers, whilst others used speakers and moving cardboard signs to attract customers in the courtyard. The unforeseen rain forced certain groups to relocate, but regardless all groups cooperated and rushed to execute their stalls perfectly.
As it approached closer to the start of Lunch, the courtyard slowly began to fill up with students eager to purchase before items sold out. Those who had study periods even came to purchase items during set up, which made for a promising evening. The rain and wind eventually died down as the crowd picked up more energy and lines began to form. These lines soon became clusters of people around all the different stalls. Many bought from numerous stalls and could be seen roaming with a Taco in one hand, a handmade bracelet on their wrist, and a freshly made drink in the other. Nossal's crowd was fantastic in supporting the Business Management classes, leading to many groups selling out during the first half or end of Lunch.
Overall, market day was once again another success and nearly all of the groups made substantial profits for their chosen charities, with one group even profiting $300. The final breakdown is included below:
Mohammed, Chris, Aakash, Ramsubbu, Juan | The Salvation Army | $55.15 |
Hasini, Sara, Sankeeth, Menakshi,Irene | Cancer Council | $134.80 |
Agam, Avneet, Guneet, Hibba, Ved | Sikh Volunteers Australia | $241.95 |
Arjunen, Rooney, Yasini, Sehansa | Ten For Tamils | -$100.0 |
Dithara, Neomi, Eric, Mandy, Zainab | Cancer Council | $311.80 |
Dylan C, Kevan, Ed, Irvine | Royal flying doctor service | $9.00 |
Sejal, Nethil, Livia | TheLifeYouCanSaveAus | $124.00 |
Dylan, Ved, Dulana, Natole, Vincent and Milan | Salvation army | $8.20 |
Timothy, Nicodemus | Nossal4Nossal | $98.95 |
Thank you to all the Nossal students and staff who came to support all the hard work we have been putting in for the past few months! We hope that next year's Business Management students have as much fun on this assessment as we did, and we look forward to seeing all the creativity, teamwork, and dedication that future students have to offer.
In addition, thank you to Mr. Sacco who did not hesitate to support us through the process, Ms. Bhola & Ms Polgar for allowing us to use the Food technology rooms, all supervising teachers that gave up time to allow us to use these rooms (Mr Armistead, Mr Hu & Ms Cilia), as well as Josh for helping us handle all electrical equipment and hazards. We also would like to thank Kyle Phillips from IT, Sharon in the Front Office, Ms Horner, Ms Kamimura, Ms Wen, and Ms Vanstan for their support too.
There was also a Staff V Students Basketball Match in the Gym. The Year 11 Business Management cohort would like to also acknowledge Mr Christiansen, Mr Sterel, Ms Coffa, Mr Ninis, Ms Gonzales and Ms Guruparan formally for giving up their time in participating in the match. Good job to all groups and congratulations for completing another successful market day!
Neomi Gestano